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Using a Self-Configured Tomcat

If you want to load the CA OPS/MVS Web Services into your own Tomcat region, which is not a CA Common Services Component, see the Apache Tomcat download and install instructions.

Additionally, you must perform the following tasks manually:

  1. Create a /distrib directory under the Apache Tomcat base installation directory..
  2. Copy the following files under the /distrib directory from the USS-mounted files from the CA OPS/MVS Web Services CCLXHFS.
  3. Copy the WAR file under the Apache Tomcat webapps directory from OPWBSVWR to opsmvs.war.
  4. Set the Tomcat path and Java JDK path into the environment file
  5. Specify the USS path to the environment file in the STC PROC of your Tomcat region.