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Using the CA Common Services Component Tomcat

The CA OPS/MVS web services API component is delivered as a Web Archive File (WAR), and this component requires a configured Apache Tomcat server. These instructions describe how to configure the web services API using a CA Common Component (CCS) version of Tomcat. However, if you want to use your own Tomcat region, see the z/OS V1R11.0 DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide (SC26-7405-10) for information about installing a WAR file.

Follow these steps:

  1. Install CCS Tomcat.

    For information about how to install the CA Common Services Tomcat, see the CA Common Services for z/OS Installation Guide Release 14.1.

    Note: CA OPS/MVS web services requires the Tomcat Version 7.0.40 Update. To update Tomcat to the appropriate version, see this support document for RI59832.

  2. Configure the Started Tomcat task.
    1. In the [hlq].OPS.CCLXCNTL dataset, customize and submit job ALLOCTOM. This job allocates a new zFS dataset and mounts it. This zFS dataset must be added to the auto-mount table. Alternatively, if you have an existing file system - bypass all steps (delete or comment) except the last step, CR8TDIR, which creates the tomcat folder for the instance.

      Note: Carefully follow the instructions under the INSTRUCTIONS label in member ALLOCTOM.

      • Make note of the PRODDIR value because you require this value in subsequent steps (referred to as PRODUCT_HOME).
      • Review the results of the job. A new USS folder should have been created, PRODDIR/tomcat where PRODDIR is a folder of your choice.

      Important! This zFS file system must be mounted. This job mounts this file when created. However, this mount is a one-time mount that does not persist following an IPL. If this Tomcat is to be used for production, this zFS dataset must be added to the system's auto-mount table.

    2. In the [hlq].OPS.CCLXCNTL dataset, customize and submit job CR8TOMIN. This job copies the CCS Tomcat installation to the PRODDIR/tomcat folder created by the ALLOCTOM job.

      Note: Carefully follow the instructions under the INSTRUCTIONS label in member CR8TOMIN.

      • Review the results of the job. Under the USS folder created in the prior step, there are several new sub-folders as well as files. This is a copy of the CCS Tomcat installation, with the /lib folder removed and /bin with only one file.
      • The [hlq].OPS.CCLXCNTL(OPSWS) member contains the sample STC that start CA OPS/MVS Web Services under CCS Tomcat. You must customize this STC to include the following values:

    The full USS path to the CCS Tomcat installation product directory.


    Enter either 70 or 76. 70 indicates that you want to run the 32-bit version of JVMLDMxx (JZOS startup module). 76 indicates that you want to run the 64-bit version of JVMLDMxx.


    (Optional) The dataset on your local host that contains the version of JVMLDMxx indicated by SET VERSION. If JVMLDMxx is loaded in LPA/Linklist, you do not need SET LIBRARY. In this case, you can comment out the SET VERSION, and you can comment out the STEPLIB statement that follows.

    Additionally, you must update the following DD statement:

  3. Set the configuration parameters.

    For Common Component Tomcat users, a configuration application has been provided. The JCL job is located in [hlq].OPS.CCLXCNTL(OPWBSVCT). This JCL, which runs the configuration script OPWBSVCG, must be updated to include the following:

    You must set the following values in the STDENV ddname statement:


    The USS path to CA Common Services Component


    USS Path to mounted HFS for CA OPS/MVS installation of CA OPS/MVS Web Services FMID: CCLXC21


    Explicit full USS path to the IBM JDK home directory where you want to run CCS Tomcat

    Note: JAVAHOME is expected to point to a 64-bit JDK. If you select a 32-bit JDK, you must make additional changes to the opwebsvc.env file. For more details, see the comment section at the top of the opwebsvc.env file.


    Specify default OPS subsystem for web services requests.


    Specify the OPS CCLXEXEC library associated with the default OPS subsystem.

  4. When submitted, the OPWBSVCT JCL runs the configuration script OPWBSVCG. The OPWBSVCG configuration script completes the following actions: