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Prepare the SMP/E Environment for a Pax Installation

The following steps describe the process to install products using native SMP/E JCL:

  1. Download external HOLDDATA.
  2. Allocate product data sets and SMP/E data sets.
  3. Create an SMP/E environment.
  4. Receive base functions.
  5. Apply base functions.
  6. Accept base functions.
  7. Configure the product according to your site requirements.

The members that are used in this procedure prepare the data sets, initialize the zones, and create the DDDEFs for your product.

Determine if you are going to install the CA OPS/MVS OPSLOG WebView and Web Services function (FMID CCLXC21), before starting this procedure.

For information about the members, see the comments in the JCL.

Follow these steps:

  1. Customize the macro CLXSEDIT with your site-specific information and then copy the macro to your SYSPROC location. Replace the rightmost parameters for each ISREDIT CHANGE command. Each time you edit an installation member, type CLXSEDIT on the command line, and press Enter to replace the defaults with your specifications.

    The macro is ready to customize the yourHLQ.SAMPJCL members.

    Note: Set the DASD HLQ to the same value specified for yourHLQ within the JCL that is used to unzip the pax file.

    Note: The following steps include instructions to execute the CLXSEDIT macro each time you open a new SAMPJCL member. To edit all SAMPJCL members simultaneously, read and follow the instructions in the CLXAREAD member, and submit the CLXEDALL member.

  2. Open the SAMPJCL member CLX1HOLD in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

    CLX1HOLD is customized.

  3. Submit CLX1HOLD.

    This job downloads the error and FIXCAT HOLDDATA from

  4. Open the SAMPJCL member CLX2ALL in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

    CLX2ALL is customized.

  5. Submit CLX2ALL.

    This job produces the following results:

  6. If you choose to install the CA OPS/MVS OPSLOG WebView and Web Services function (FMID CCLXC21), complete the following substeps.

    Note: If your site requires it, you can customize the supplied HFS JCL to zFS.

    1. Open the SAMPJCL member CL12ALLU in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

      Make supplementary modifications to the JCL as instructed by comments in the member.

      CL12ALLU is customized.

    2. Submit CL12ALLU.

      This job allocates your HFS data sets.

    3. Open the SAMPJCL member CL13MKD in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

      Make supplementary modifications to the JCL as instructed by comments in the member.

      CL13MKD is customized.

    4. Submit CL13MKD.

      This job creates all directories and mounts the file system.

  7. Open the SAMPJCL member CLX3CSI in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

    CLX3CSI is customized.

  8. Submit CLX3CSI.

    This job produces the following results:

  9. If you choose to install the CA OPS/MVS OPSLOG WebView and Web Services function (FMID CCLXC21), complete the following substeps:

    Note: If your site requires it, you can customize the supplied HFS JCL to zFS.

    1. Open the SAMPJCL member CL13CSIU in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

      CL13CSIU is customized.

    2. Submit CL13CSIU.

      This job customizes the CSI by adding the DDDEFs associated with the directory.