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Copy Installation Files to z/OS Data Sets

Use this procedure to invoke the SMP/E GIMUNZIP utility to create MVS data sets from the files in the product-specific directory.

The file UNZIPJCL in the product directory contains a sample job to GIMUNZIP the installation package. You edit and submit the UNZIPJCL job to create z/OS data sets.

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate and read the product readme file or installation notes, if applicable, which resides in the product-specific directory that the pax command created. This file contains the product-specific details that you require to complete the installation procedure.

    You have identified the product-specific installation details.

  2. Use ISPF EDIT or TSO ISHELL to edit the UNZIPJCL sample job. You can perform this step in one of the following ways:

    The job is edited.

  3. Change the SMPDIR DD PATH to the product-specific directory created by the pax command.

    Your view is of the product-specific directory.

  4. If ICSF is not active, perform the following steps:
    1. Change the SMPJHOME DD PATH to your Java runtime directory. This directory varies from system to system.
    2. Perform one of the following steps:
      • Change the SMPCPATH DD PATH to your SMP/E Java application classes directory, typically /usr/lpp/smp/classes/.
      • Change HASH=YES to HASH=NO on the GIMUNZIP parameter.

    One of the following occurs: ICSF is active or you are using Java.

  5. Change all occurrences of yourHLQ to the high-level qualifier (HLQ) for z/OS data sets that the installation process uses. We suggest that you use a unique HLQ for each expanded pax file to identify uniquely the package. Do not remove CAI after yourHLQ. Do not use the same value for yourHLQ as you use for the SMP/E RELFILEs.

    All occurrences of yourHLQ are set to your high-level qualifier for z/OS data sets.

  6. Submit the UNZIPJCL job.

    The UNZIPJCL job completes with a zero return code. Messages GIM69158I and GIM48101I in the output and IKJ56228I in the JES log are acceptable.

    GIMUNZIP creates z/OS data sets with the high-level qualifier that you specified in the UNZIPJCL job. You use these data sets to perform the product installation. The pax file and product-specific directory are no longer needed.

    Note: For more information, see the IBM SMP/E for z/OS Reference (SA22-7772).