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Apply Preventive Maintenance

Important! We strongly recommend that you use CA CSM to maintain your CA Technologies z/OS-based products. The procedure that is discussed in this section is fully automated when you use CA CSM.

CA Support Online at has maintenance and HOLDDATA published since the installation data was created. After the maintenance process completes, the product is ready to deploy.

Use this procedure during product installation and for ongoing preventive maintenance in non-installation use cases according to your maintenance strategy.

Note: To review the CA Technologies mainframe maintenance philosophy, see your Best Practices Guide or visit the CA Next-Generation Mainframe Management page.

This procedure directs you to use the CAUNZIP utility. The CAUNZIP utility processes ZIP packages directly on z/OS without the need for an intermediate platform, such as a Microsoft Windows workstation. If you are not familiar with this utility, see the CA Common Services for z/OS Administration Guide. This guide includes an overview and sample batch jobs. To use this utility, you must be running CA Common Services for z/OS Version 14.0 with PTF RO54887 or CA Common Services for z/OS Release 14.1 with PTF RO54635 and RO58216. These PTFs are included in CA Common Services for z/OS Release 14.1 at the S1401 Service Update level.

Follow these steps:

  1. Check the Download Center at for PTFs that have been published since this release was created. If the base release was created recently, no PTFs will have been published yet. If PTFs exist, add published solutions for your product to your Download Cart, and click Checkout.
  2. Specify that you want a complete package.

    When processing completes, a link appears on the Review Download Requests page. You also receive an email notification.

  3. Click the Alternate FTP link for your order to obtain FTP login information and the ZIP file location. Download the ZIP file into a USS directory on your z/OS system.
  4. Run the CAUNZIP utility.

    CAUNZIP unzips the package of published solutions and creates a SMPNTS file structure that the SMP/E RECEIVE FROMNTS command can process. For sample JCL to run the utility that is located in yourHLQ.CAW0JCL(CAUNZIP), see the CA Common Services for z/OS CAUNZIP Administration Guide. After execution completes, the ZIPRPT data set contains the summary report. The summary report does the following:

  5. Review the sample job that is provided in the CAUNZIP output ZIPRPT file. Cut and paste the JCL into a data set, specify your SMP/E CSI on the SMPCSI DD statement and submit the job to receive the PTFs in your order.
  6. Verify that you have the values from the base installation in the CLXSEDIT macro that was customized in the installation steps.
  7. Open the SAMPJCL member CLX1HOLD in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

    Note: Update CLX1HOLD SAMPJCL to download the HOLDDATA file.

    CLX1HOLD is customized.

  8. Submit CLX1HOLD.

    The job downloads the external HOLDDATA file.

  9. Open the SAMPJCL member CLX7RECH in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

    CLX7RECH is customized.

  10. Submit CLX7RECH.

    The job receives the external HOLDDATA file.

  11. (CA Recommended Service (CA RS)) installation only) Do the following:
    1. Determine which ASSIGN statements to download.
      • The yearly CA RS ASSIGN statements are stored in the following file:
      • The quarterly CA RS ASSIGN statements are stored in the following file:
    2. Open the SAMPJCL member CLX7CARS in an edit session, update CLX7CARS SAMPJCL to download ASSIGN statements from, and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

    CLX7CARS is customized.

  12. (CA RS installation only) Submit CLX7CARS.

    The job downloads the CA RS ASSIGN statements.

  13. (CA RS installation only) Open the SAMPJCL member CLX7RECP in an edit session, manually add the data set that contains the ASSIGN statements to the SMPPTFIN DD, and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

    CLX7RECP is customized.

  14. (CA RS installation only) Submit CLX7RECP.

    The job receives the external HOLDDATA file and CA RS ASSIGN statements.

  15. Open the SAMPJCL member CLX8APYP in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

    CLX8APYP is customized.

  16. Submit CLX8APYP.

    The PTFs are applied.

  17. (Optional) Open the SAMPJCL member CLX9ACCP in an edit session and execute the CLXSEDIT macro from the command line.

    CLX9ACCP is customized.

  18. (Optional) Submit CLX9ACCP.

    The PTFs are accepted.

    Note: You do not have to submit the job at this time. You can accept the PTFs according to your site policy.