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Clean Up the USS Directory

This procedure is optional. If you decide to perform the procedure, do so after you complete the installation process and when you do not need the installation files anymore.

To free file system disk space for subsequent downloads after downloading and processing the pax files for your CA Technologies product, we recommend removing the files from your USS directory and deleting unnecessary MVS data sets. You can delete the following items:

Note: Retain non-SMP/E installation data sets such as yourHLQ.INSTALL.NOTES for future reference.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Pax ESD USS directory.

    Your view is of the applicable USS directory.

  2. Delete the pax file by entering the following command:
    rm paxfile

    Specifies the name of the CA Technologies pax file that you downloaded.

    The pax file is deleted.

  3. Delete the product-specific directory by entering the following command:
    rm -r product-specific_directory

    Specifies the product-specific directory that the pax command created.

    The product-specific directory is deleted.

Note: You can also use TSO ISHELL to navigate to the pax file and product-specific directory, and delete them using the D line command.