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Download Using Batch JCL

You download a pax file from by running batch JCL on the mainframe. Use the sample JCL attached to the PDF file as CAtoMainframe.txt to perform the download.

Important! The PDF version of this guide includes sample JCL jobs that you can copy directly to the mainframe. To access these jobs, click the paper clip icon at the left of the PDF reader. A window displaying attachments opens. Double-click a file to view a sample JCL. We recommend that you use the latest version of Adobe Reader for viewing PDF files.

Note: We recommend that you follow the preferred download method as described on This JCL procedure is our preferred download method for users who do not use CA CSM. We also include the procedure to download to the mainframe through a PC in the next section.

Follow these steps:

  1. Replace ACCOUNTNO with a valid JOB statement.
  2. Replace yourTCPIP.PROFILE.dataset with the name of the TCP/IP profile data set for your system. Consult your local network administrators, if necessary.

    The job points to your profile.

  3. Replace YourEmailAddress with your email address.

    The job points to your email address.

  4. Replace yourUSSpaxdirectory with the name of the USS directory that you use for Pax ESD downloads.

    The job points to your USS directory.

  5. Locate the product component to download on the CA Support Product Download window.

    You have identified the product component to download.

  6. Click Download for the applicable file.

    Note: For multiple downloads, add files to a cart.

    The Download Method window opens.

  7. Click FTP Request.

    The Review Download Requests window displays any files that you have requested to download.

    Note: We send you an email when the file is ready to download or a link appears in this window when the file is available.

  8. Select one of the following methods:
    Preferred FTP

    Uses CA Technologies worldwide content delivery network (CDN). If you cannot download using this method, review the security restrictions for servers that company employees can download from that are outside your corporate network.

    Host Name:

    Alternate FTP

    Uses the original download servers that are based on Long Island, New York.

    Host Name: for product files and download cart files and for individual solution files.

    Both methods display the host, user name, password, and FTP location, which you then can copy into the sample JCL.

    Note: The following links provide details regarding FTP: the FTP Help document link in the Review Download Requests window and the Learn More link available in the Download Methods window.

  9. Submit the job.

    Important! If your FTP commands are incorrect, it is possible for this job to fail and still return a zero condition code. Read the messages in the job DDNAME SYSPRINT to verify the FTP succeeded.

    After you run the JCL job, the pax file resides in the mainframe USS directory that you supplied.