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Acquire the Product Pax Files

To begin the CA Technologies product installation procedure, copy the product pax file into the USS directory that you set up.

Important! Downloading pax files for the SMP/E installation as part of the Pax ESD process requires write authority to the UNIX System Services (USS) directories that are used for the Pax ESD process. Also, you must have available USS file space before you start the procedures in this guide.

Use one of the following methods:

This section includes the following information:

Important! The FTP procedures vary due to local firewall and other security settings. Consult your local network administrators to determine the appropriate FTP procedure to use at your site.

Ensure that sufficient free space is available in the USS file system that you are using to hold the product pax file. If you do not have sufficient free space, error messages similar to the following appear:

EZA1490I Error writing to data set
EZA2606W File I/O error 133

When the download finishes, the pax file size in your USS directory matches the value in the Size column for the corresponding pax file on the CA Technologies Products Download window.