Previous Topic: Define the CA OPS/MVS Option to Agent ServicesNext Topic: Parameters for Debugging

Required Data Sets

Each agent requires a separate log file to write informational or diagnostic messages during execution. The number and type of messages written depends on the value specified on the CAUNIDEBUG and CAUNITRACE parameters, covered later in this section. Since there are two cooperating agents, two additional DD statements must be added to the CA OPS/MVS started task procedure for the log files. The ddnames are as follows:




Points to the CCS for z/OS ENVFILE, typically found in the CCS for z/OS SCRLIB data set


The log file of the main agent


The log file of the secondary agent


Points to the TCP/IP profile data set

The following are the ddnames associated with the STDERR and STDOUT files for the two agents. These files are redirected at agent initialization because the two agents may otherwise overwrite the STDERR and STDOUT files of each other:




Redirected STDERR DD of the primary agent


Redirected STDERR DD of the secondary agent


Redirected STDOUT DD of the primary agent


Redirected STDOUT DD of the secondary agent.


Dump data set for the C language Environment.

Note: If CA OPS/MVS is started with SUB=MSTR specified, then the data sets described above must be pre-allocated as permanent data sets using the CA OPS/MVS CCLXCNTL(ALLOCAWS) JCL. In addition, dynamically allocate the data sets using the CA OPS/MVS initialization REXX EXEC (usually OPSSPA00). If SUB=MSTR is not specified, then the DD can specify SYSOUT instead of a DSN specification.

In addition to the files listed in the preceding tables, the CA OPS/MVS started task procedure must include the following APF authorized data sets, concatenated to the STEPLIB DD, unless they are defined as LINKLST data sets: