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Customize the CA NSM SSM CA OPS/MVS Option

This section contains information on customizing CA OPS/MVS for the CA NSM SSM CA OPS/MVS Option product. We recommend that you install and customize CA OPS/MVS before installing the CA NSM SSM CA OPS/MVS Option product. You may use the Agent Technology agent in any supported release of CA OPS/MVS as the communication method between CA OPS/MVS and CA NSM SSM CA OPS/MVS Option.

To use the Agent Technology agent

  1. After you install CA OPS/MVS, customize the following parameters:
  2. Start CA OPS/MVS.

    Note: The CA OPS/MVS main address space must have read access to the TCP/IP data set (hlq.TCPIP.DATA) to determine the correct TCP/IP started task with which it will communicate. The data set must be allocated to ddname SYSTCPD automatically by the system, explicitly in the OPSSPA00 REXX program that is run at CA OPS/MVS initialization, or through a JCL statement in the OPSMAIN started procedure. Consult your systems programmer responsible for installing Agent Technology for the correct data set name to use for the TCP/IP that Agent Technology is communicating with. For example:


    For more information about TCP/IP client data set requirements, see the IBM documentation.

    For more detailed information, see the CA Network and Systems Management Systems Status Manager CA OPS/MVS Option User Guide.

  3. (Optional) Complete this step only if your System State Manager tables do not contain the TNGNOTIFY, TNGELIGIBLE, and RESOURCE_TEXT columns.

    Insert these new columns into your System State Manager directory table and all resource tables. The OPTNGCOL member in the SAMPLES library in CA OPS/MVS contains an OPS/REXX program to assist you with this operation.

    The arguments in the OPTNGCOL REXX EXEC are:


    The name of the CA OPS/MVS subsystem (usually OPSS).


    A list of currently managed System State Manager tables for which the value in the TNGNOTIFY column is set to ALWAYS. If a currently managed System State Manager table is not listed in the ACTIVATE argument, then when the TNGNOTIFY column is added, it will have a value of NEVER.

    Note: The RESOURCE_TEXT column is added when the TNGNOTIFY column is added.


    A list of table names to add the TNGNOTIFY and RESOURCE_TEXT columns and set the TNGNOTIFY value to NEVER. If the ACTIVATE argument is NULL, then this argument defaults to ALL. RESTABLE(ALL) means that the TNGNOTIFY and RESOURCE_TEXT columns will be added to all currently monitored System State Manager tables.

    The following is an example of the program:

  4. For every System State Manager resource whose status you want reported to CA OPS/MVS and CA NSM SSM CA OPS/MVS Option, set the TNGNOTIFY column in its resource table to ALWAYS.
  5. For every table that contains a System State Manager resource whose TNGNOTIFY column you set to ALWAYS, set the TNGELIGIBLE column in your directory table to YES (the default directory table is SSM_Managed_TBLS).
  6. Decide whether to establish the daily warm start trap. Use the OPSMTRAP OPS/REXX function, which allows the CA OPS/MVS agent to generate warm or cold start SNMP traps on demand. You can also use any variety of AOF rule, such as a daily midnight AOF TOD rule. If you have multiple systems communicating with CA NSM SSM CA OPS/MVS Option, then we recommend that each system send the daily warm start trap at a different time to avoid overloading the network.