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Interface with TCP/IP

In order to interface with the TCP/IP environment, a certain amount of tailoring must be done to the OPVMSV server. The source is REXX, and easily modified. Some REXX labels require definition, some have usable defaults, and others are installation unique and must be explicitly coded. Please note the significance of the tcpsvcnm parameter in the following REXX parameter definitions.

The following REXX parameters require definition:


Contains the name of the CA OPS/MVS global variable which contains the message queue to be sent to the client.


Note: If desired, you may adjust this default value. However, a different name here will necessitate a corresponding change to the provided utility OPVMQM which manages the queue.


Contains the server's IP address in dotted decimal notation; for example,

Default: There is no default.


Contains the server's designated listener port number.

Default: There is no default.


Contains an optional service name which can be used at the socket set initialization call if desired.

Default: The default when omitted is the IBM generated value TCPIPnn, with nn as the z/OS system identifier.

The socket call using this parameter is the socket set initialization call INITIALIZE, which preallocates the number of sockets available for this socket set. The number of desired sockets is another parameter to this call syntax, and is currently set to 40, leaving 39 available for client connections. If more client connections are necessary, you can increase this number to 2000. For easier reference, this call immediately follows the REXX label 'INITIALIZE:' in the source code.


Contains a timer, expressed in seconds, for sampling the message queue for messages to send to the client. The socket functions related to socket traffic flow are always armed, and need no polling, but checking a global variable has to be done outside socket protocol. There is no network overhead due to the activity surrounding timer interrupts.

Default: 2


Contains the socket task ID name used at the socket initialization call.

Default: OPVMSV


Defines the prefix for all messages displayed as a local WTO by the server code. Messages from clients are not included here.

Default: OPVMSV

msgtrace (Y, N)

Controls displaying informational SEND/RECEIVE messages to the log. Error messages are always displayed, as well as output explicitly requested by server commands.

Default: N

zosdisp (WTO|GLV|BOTH)

Determines client message disposition by specifying delivery to WTO, GLV storage, or both.

Default: GLV


Specifies the Global Variable name to be used for client message storage. This parameter is ignored if WTO is selected as the disposition option. Enclose the name in quotes, and a presence of a double ampersand (&&) anywhere in the name string will result in substitution of the VMuserid.VMnode.


zosmode (TEST, ACTIVE)

Determines the disposition of client initiated messages. Use TEST mode to display messages without submitting them to the WTO services. This mode is useful for initial installation to verify network connectivity.

Default: TEST


Defines a prefix (message ID) for WTO messages received from the client. The WTO support code in CA OPS/MVS will always append a message ID, and will provide one if not explicitly defined using the MSGID keyword. The prefix can be up to 10 characters.

Default: OPS1371I


Contains a candidate list of commands that are eligible to terminate the server. The list can contain a single command, or any number of space separated words that the installation defined as terminators.


restart (Y, N)

Determines whether the server should restart automatically after an internal error caused a premature shutdown. It is ignored if termination is requested explicitly.

Default: N


Only valid if RESTART=Y. It contains the command string to re-execute the server code. There is no real default because installation naming conventions vary, but the following general syntax is provided: