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Install and Execute the Server

The server code interfaces with both TCP/IP and CA OPS/MVS facilities, and therefore both services must be active prior to server execution.

To install and execute the server

  1. Make the OPVMSV server resident in a library containing REXX members that will be concatenated into filename SYSEXEC.
  2. Prepare the JCL for a start-up Job or STC for the actual execution.
  3. Use at least one global variable and optionally two to execute the client/server application. If a rule exists for GLV security, the FIRELIMIT may need adjustment if set too low.
  4. Start the OPVMJCL proclib member, which is in the &hlq.CCLXCNTL data set, using the MVS START command.

The server code executes using normal z/OS JCL conventions. It does use CA OPS/MVS services, and therefore must be associated with the appropriate OPS SSID.

Note: The sample OPVMJCL JCL includes the OPS$OPSx DD statement in case the default OPS SSID name is not appropriate. That statement should be removed or made into a comment if an override is not necessary. The sample member will need JCL modifications to comply with installation unique naming standards.