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DEFAULTS Command—Sets Default SOF Parameter Values

The DEFAULTS command sets default values for common SOF command parameters. Each parameter that may be specified on the DEFAULTS command may also be specified on any other SOF command.

When processing an SOF command, the value of a common parameter specified on the command itself is used. Otherwise, the value specified on the last DEFAULTS command is used. For values never specified on any DEFAULTS command, the default values are indicated in the description of each common parameter.

For example, if the following command is issued:


Then the operation of the following two commands is identical:

BLOCK 0001 01

And the operation of the following command overrides the DEFAULTS setting:

BLOCK 0001 01 EXEC

Note: Each common parameter is described here in the DEFAULTS command description only. In all other command descriptions, those common parameters which are meaningful to the operation of that command are listed, but not described. Common parameters that are not meaningful to the operation of a command may be specified on the command, but are ignored after their syntax is validated. When specified, common parameters normally should be placed after all command-specific parameters.

This command has the following syntax:

/* The following are common parameters:   */

The following parameters are meaningful only to SOF connectivity control commands.

ALSo and ONLy

These parameters control how the ALLOW and PROHIBIT commands affect dynamic switch connectivity. Specify ONLY to allow or prohibit only the dynamic connections specified on the command. Specify ALSO to allow or prohibit the dynamic connections specified on the command in addition to those that are already allowed or prohibited.

Default: ALSO

BACkout and NOBackout

These parameters control attempted recovery from implied z/OS VARY operations when the command fails.

Specify BACKOUT to instruct SOF to attempt recovery in the case of command failure. SOF will attempt to restore the online or offline status of any channel path or device that was altered by implied z/OS VARY operations.

Specify NOBACKOUT to instruct SOF to not attempt recovery in the case of command failure.

Default: BACKOUT

EXEc and NOExec

These parameters control the execution of the command. Specify EXEC to cause the command to be fully executed, and if successful, to update switch connectivity. Specify NOEXEC to prevent the command from being fully executed and updating switch connectivity.

Regardless of which parameter is specified, the full response to the command will include the equivalent z/OS VARY command text (by system) for any implied z/OS VARY operations. Thus, the NOEXEC parameter is useful for determining what implied z/OS VARY operations would be executed by the command if it were to be fully executed.

Default: NOEXEC

FORce and NOForce

The FORCE parameter causes SOF to ignore VARY failures. When NOFORCE is in effect, SOF will abort an operation if any VARY OFFLINE fails for a path or device.

Default: NOFORCE


This parameter limits the number of devices that are affected by the command. If full execution of the command to affects more than the specified number of devices, the command is not fully executed and proceeds as if the NOEXEC parameter were specified.

Default value: 256


This parameter limits the amount of time allowed, in seconds, to complete execution of the command. If the specified number of seconds expires before the command has completed execution, the command fails.

Default value: 60

VARy and NOVary

These parameters control the execution of implied z/OS VARY ONLINE operations by the command. Specifying VARY causes the command to execute any implied z/OS VARY ONLINE operations. Specifying NOVARY prevents the command from executing any implied z/OS VARY ONLINE operations.

Note: VARY ONLINE processing is affected by the VARYCLASS parameter of the SET command.

Regardless of which parameter is specified, the full response to the command will include the equivalent z/OS VARY command text (by system) for any implied z/OS VARY operations.

Default: VARY


These parameters control the execution of implied z/OS VARY ONLINE and z/OS VARY OFFLINE operations by the command. It applies only to devices. Specifying VARYDEV causes the command to execute any implied z/OS VARY ONLINE/OFFLINE operations. Specifying NOVARYDEV prevents the command from executing any implied z/OS VARY ONLINE/OFFLINE operations.

Default: VARYDEV

The following parameters are meaningful only to SOF display commands.


Limits the number of objects returned in the command display.

Default value: 16


Controls the amount of information returned for each object in the command display. The level specified may be any combination of the following values, enclose in parenthesis if specifying more than one value:


Returns devices attached to each object


Returns CHPIDs attached to each object


Returns control units attached to each object


Returns systems attached to each object


Returns switches attached to each object


Returns path information for devices


Returns ports attached to each object


Returns the DEVID of each object


Returns all of the above information


Returns none of the above information

Most display commands support only a subset of these values. For any display command, non-supported values are ignored.

Default: NONE


Limits the number of lines returned to an MCS console or extended console.

Specify the MAXLines=nn keyword on any SOF command using the z/OS MODIFY command. Commands issued from the SOF ISPF panels, either from option 6, or the CMD primary command, are not affected.

Default value: 100

Note: Regardless of the specified value, the full command display is always written to the SOF LOG.

The following parameters are meaningful to both SOF connectivity control and display commands.

GLObal and LOCal

These parameters control how a hardware device number specified on the command is interpreted. Specify LOCAL to cause the command to interpret a specified hardware device number as a z/OS device number on the local z/OS system on which the command is executed. Specify GLOBAL to cause the command to interpret a specified hardware device number as an SOF relative global device number.

These parameters also control the content and format of the DISPLAY CHPID, DISPLAY CU, DISPLAY DEVICE, and DISPLAY SWITCH command displays.

Default: LOCAL