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DEFINE SWITCH Command—Identifies a Switch

The DEFINE SWITCH command is used in the INITCMDS file to identify a switch to the SOF server. This command is not normally needed. For information about situations in which this command is needed, see Define Switches.

This command has the following syntax:

DEFINE  SWItch  devnum  devid  [name] [LSN=lsn]

Provides the logical device number of the switch as specified in the IODF of the local system. If this number is different on different systems in the SOF complex, then a different DEFINE SWITCH command is directed to each different system.


An arbitrary DEVID that SOF uses to properly correlate the switch among the multiple z/OS systems in the SOF complex. This value should be the same on each DEFINE SWITCH command that is issued for the same switch-on different systems. Specify the 28-byte DEVID as 35 printable characters, with a period between the individual fields. The individual fields are type, model number, manufacturer, location, serial number, and tag. Specify the 2-byte binary tag as four printable hex characters.

Example: 009032.005.IBM.02.FAKESERIAL03.0000


(Optional) The name to be assigned to the defined switch. The name can be up to 24 characters in length, and can contain the following special characters: space, digits, period, and underscore. Delimit a name that contains spaces using quotes.


(Optional). The logical switch number for the switch. The value must be two-hex digits, in the range 00-FF. Normally, SOF can determine the logical switch number automatically. The LSN keyword is needed only when the I/O device number for the switch does not match the logical switch number.