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Specifying Subsystem IDs for Multiple Copies of the Product

Only one copy of CA OPS/MVS using a single z/OS subsystem ID (SSID) can run under a single copy of z/OS at a time. To run multiple copies of CA OPS/MVS (a production and a test copy), then they must have different SSIDs.

If you start multiple copies of CA OPS/MVS at the same time and they have the same SSID, then only the first copy you start executes. The remaining copies hang and wait for the first copy to terminate. This serialization is implemented through the standard z/OS ENQ facility.

During initialization, CA OPS/MVS obtains an ENQ with a scope of SYSTEM. The ENQ QNAME is always CA OPS/MVS, and the RNAME is INIT, concatenated with the CA OPS/MVS SSID. This ENQ is held as long as CA OPS/MVS executes. The ENQ mechanism allows the first copy of CA OPS/MVS to finish initialization while forcing all others to wait for the first copy to terminate.

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Technical Notes