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Start the Product Prior to the Security Product

If you use CA ACF2 or CA Top Secret, then it is possible to start CA OPS/MVS prior to the security product. However when doing so, the CA OPS/MVS address space will not have a connection to the security system until the CA OPS/MVS security interface is restarted after the security product is fully active.

To restart the CA OPS/MVS security interface, issue the following command:


Specifies the name of your CA OPS/MVS subsystem.

Default subsystem name: OPSS

If the security product and CA OPS/MVS are started at the same time and it is impossible to predict which will complete initialization first, then as a precaution this command should be issued out of a message rule that is triggered by the AOF initialization complete message (OPS0123O). There is no negative impact to restarting the security interface multiple times. In addition, this command should also be issued from a message rule that is triggered by the security product completing its activation. For example, the sample rules library contains the following sample MSG rules:

Note: This is not an issue with RACF (Security Server) because it starts with the operating system and is always active when CA OPS/MVS starts.