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OPARLGCR Keyword Descriptions

The OPSLOG archive control statement uses the following keywords:


Specifies the name of the data set that contains the OPSLOG archive. This data set is automatically created if you do not specify REUSE(YES).

Default: The value of the CA OPS/MVS BROWSEARCHIVEDSN parameter.

If you do not specify DSNAME and the BROWSEARCHIVEDSN parameter has no value, then an error occurs. OPSLOG archive expects the data set specified in BROWSEARCHIVEDSN to be a GDG, so if DSNAME is not specified, CA OPS/MVS uses a GDGNUM of +1. You can override this value by specifying the GDGNUM keyword.


Specifies the relative generation number of the specified data set. If the data set is not a GDG, then do not specify this keyword. This keyword can have a value between -9999 and +9999, although the typical value is +1. If you want a particular generation of GDG and do not know the relative generation number, then specify the actual generation number in this parameter. You can also specify the fully qualified data set name in the DSNAME keyword and omit this keyword.


Specifies the name of the model (or pattern) DSCB if the specified data set is a GDG. If you have already created a model DSCB as recommended in the AMS guide under Define Generation Data Group, then omit this keyword.

Default: GDGMODEL has no default value.

VOLUMES(volser1... volser6)

Specifies the list of volume serial numbers that contains the new OPSLOG archive data set. If you omit this keyword, then the z/OS system default is used.


Controls whether the CA OPS/MVS OPSLOG archive trigger control fields are updated. These fields control when CA OPS/MVS determines that an OPSLOG archive needs to be taken and whether the OPS4403O message is issued. Specify this keyword only when used in the OPSLOG archive tracking system.

Default: NO


Indicates that the OPSLOG archive creation program should allocate a new data set (NO) or reuse an existing data set (YES).

Default: NO


Specifies the SMS storage class on which the OPSLOG archive data set is to be allocated. This keyword is mutually exclusive with the VOLUMES keyword.


Specifies the SMS management class on which the OPSLOG archive data set is to be allocated. This keyword is mutually exclusive with the VOLUMES keyword.


Specifies the SMS data class on which the OPSLOG archive data set is to be allocated. This keyword is mutually exclusive with the VOLUMES keyword.


Specifies the CA OPS/MVS subsystem that is the source OPSLOG for the archive creation.

Default: OPSS


Specifies the unit name used for the allocation of a new OPSLOG archive. If you omit this keyword, then CA OPS/MVS uses the value specified by the BROWSEARCHIVEUNIT parameter. If the BROWSEARCHIVEUNIT parameter has no value, then CA OPS/MVS uses the z/OS system default.


Specifies the amount of space allocated to a new OPSLOG archive data set. Additional abbreviations are CYLS, TRKS, or BLKS. You can specify only one of these keywords. Use of these keywords is needed only if the OPSLOG archive data set will reside on a DASD device. If the OPSLOG archive data set is not on DASD (for example, on tape), then omit these keywords. If you specify none of these keywords, CA OPS/MVS uses the z/OS system default. The keyword values can be any valid numeric value. A secondary value is not required.


Specifies the blocksize used for a new OPSLOG archive. The minimum value is 1028. If you omit this keyword, then an optimal blocksize will be determined based upon the device type that will contain the OPSLOG archive. Specify this keyword only when you cannot use the system-determined blocksize.


Specifies the date and time range of the OPSLOG to be archived. If you omit these keywords, then the entire OPSLOG is archived. If you specify START(AUTO), then the OPSLOG is archived from the message after the last one in the prior archive up to the current message. If you specify START, then you must also specify END, and the two keywords must have similar values; that is, if START has a date/time value, END must specify a date/time value also. The format of the date is yyyy/mm/dd and the format of the time is hh:mm. You can use the message number value to archive a specific portion of the OPSLOG by message number. To get the message number values, display the MSGNO column in OPSLOG Browse.