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Format of Creation Program Input Records

Input records for the archive creation program are free form; they support input data that is either numbered or unnumbered, in either fixed or variable format. To include comments in the archive request, start the comment with the characters /* and end it with the characters */.

To continue an archive request onto the next input record, place a trailing continuation character (+ or -) at the end of the first record. The - continuation character places a blank between the last non-blank, non-continuation character on the current record and the first non-blank character on the next record. The + continuation character does not place a blank between the two characters. When a keyword and its values are incomplete on a record, use the + character to continue a keyword and its value across input records.

The following examples show a program input record:

The OPSLOG archive control statement has the following syntax:

  [VOLUMES(volser1 ... volser6)]
  [CYLINDERS(primary secondary)|BLOCKS(primary secondary)|
   TRACKS(primary secondary)]
  {[START(startdate starttime|startmessagenumber|AUTO))]
   [END(enddate endtime|endmessagenumber)]}

Consider these guidelines when specifying a control statement: