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Configure SNMP on Linux Servers

To configure a Linux server for a Harvester, complete the following tasks:

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in as root and open a shell prompt.
  2. Highly Recommended: Use the following steps to set up the Net-SNMP configuration file. This configuration file is needed for Watchdog SNMP polling.

    Note: If you have a custom (non-default) snmp configuration file at /etc/snmp/snmp.conf, you may want to skip this step and update your existing configuration file instead. In this case, consult with an administrator to update the required settings to match the settings in the example configuration file. For example, make sure the rocommunity value is set as shown in the example configuration file.

    If you use a custom community name as the rocommunity value, use the same community name throughout the CA Network Flow Analysis deployment:

    1. Back up the configuration file in /etc, for example by entering the following command (Recommended):
      cp /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.bak
    2. Change to the Netflow directory:
      cd <install_dir>/Netflow

      where <install_dir> is the target directory for installing the Harvester: /opt/CA/NFA/ or a custom location

    3. Copy the snmpd.conf file in the Netflow directory to the /etc/snmp directory, overwriting the existing file:
      cp -i snmpd.conf /etc/snmp
    4. Confirm the overwrite operation when prompted.
    5. Verify that the configuration file is in place:
      ls -l /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
    6. Verify that the configuration file has the correct permissions:
      chmod 600 snmpd.conf
  3. Configure SNMP to start automatically on each boot by entering the following command:
    chkconfig snmpd on
  4. Start the SNMP service in either of the following ways: