Previous Topic: Stop Services on Windows ServersNext Topic: Back Up the Databases and Restart the Services

Stop Services on Linux Servers

To prepare for the database backups, stop the services on any Linux Harvester servers that are in your product deployment.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a user who is a member of the Administrators group.
  2. Stop the nfa_harvester (CA NFA Harvester) service on each Linux Harvester server.
  3. Wait 15 minutes for data file processing to complete.
  4. Stop the following services on each Linux Harvester server:

    After you stop the services, the Time BIN (.tbn) files are collected and processed within 15 minutes.

  5. Check the following directory on the NFA console server: <install_path>\Netflow\datafiles\HarvesterWork

    When the HarvesterWork folder is empty, you can back up the database.

    The services are restarted automatically during the upgrade process.