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SNMP Is Not Enabled

When I click Next in the License Agreement screen of the installation or upgrade program, an SNMP warning message opens. The message reads:

"Pre-requisite Check Warning The following issues were found: SNMP is not enabled. While not required before installation, some functionality may not work correctly if these are not addressed."

The SNMP warning message opens because the prerequisite check does not find that the snmpd daemon is running. You can correct the problem when the warning appears or you can proceed with the installation or upgrade. In any case, CA Network Flow Analysis will not run properly until you configure SNMP and make sure that the snmpd and snmptrapd daemons are running.

Use the following procedures to check the SNMP status on a Linux server.

Follow these steps:

  1. (Optional) Enter the status command in a terminal window:
    /etc/init.d/snmpd status

    The command returns the process ID of the snmpd daemon. If the return text does not list a process ID for the snmpd daemon is not running.

  2. (Optional) Check the status in the Service Configuration window:
    1. Open the Service Configuration window: Select System, Administration, Server Settings, Services.

      The Service Configuration window opens with the Background Services tab selected.

    2. Locate snmpd and snmptrapd in the service list.
    3. Check the status of these services:
      • Select snmpd and review the status message that is displayed.
      • Select snmptrapd and review the status message that is displayed.
    4. Close the Service Configuration window.