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Recompile a MIB Definition

You can recompile a MIB definition from internal source, to repopulate the import/export file.

To recompile a MIB definition (from internal source)

  1. Enter /MIBD at the prompt.

    The MIBinsight : Defined MIBs panel appears.

  2. Enter R next to the MIB definition that you want to recompile.

    The MIBinsight : MIB Definition Panel appears.

    Note: The compiler provides the MIB name, for example, SNMPv2TC-v1.

  3. Press F5 (Options).

    The MIBinsight : Compiler Options panel appears.

  4. Enter YES next to the options that you want to enable. For a description of the fields, press F1 (Help).
  5. (Optional) To import definitions from another MIB definition, which was compiled with a different name, enter the name in the Import Rename field.
  6. Press F3 (File)

    The MIBinsight : MIB Definition panel appears.

  7. Press F6 (Compile)

    The MIB definition is recompiled.