Setting Up MIB Definitions › Display MIB Definitions
Display MIB Definitions
The MIBinsight : Defined MIBs panel displays all MIBs defined to the system. From this panel, you can perform the following tasks:
- Add a MIB definition (and compile it)
- Browse a MIB definition
- Delete a MIB definition
- Browse the source for a MIB definition
- Compile a MIB definition (from an external source)
- Recompile a MIB definition (from the internal source)
- View the structure of a MIB definition
- Flag a MIB definition for automatic loading
- Flag a MIB definition for manual loading
- Load a MIB definition
- Unload a MIB definition
To access MIB definitions, enter /MIBD at the prompt.
The MIBinsight : Defined MIBs panel appears.
Note: Loaded MIBs are displayed in white.
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