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Online Logging Procedure

The default online logging procedure is $LOPROC. This procedure is designed to work with the online browsing procedure $LOBROW.

You can replace the $LOPROC and $LOBROW procedures with your own customized NCL procedures. Alternatively, you can write a customized log browsing procedure to present the supplied data files (from $LOPROC) in your own format.

Structure of Supplied Log Files

The supplied log files (NMLOG01, NMLOG02, and NMLOG03) have the following physical file structure:

Note: For more information, see the following references:

How You Write Logging and Browsing Procedures

To write your own customized NCL procedure to replace $LOBROW, use the &FILE OPEN statement with FORMAT=DELIMITED.

You can store your log records in whatever file format you want. Your log browsing procedure must match this file format.

Note: For more information, see the descriptions of the following verbs in the Network Control Language Reference Guide:

Implement Logging and Browsing Procedures

After you write your own browsing procedure or your own logging and browsing procedures, you implement them for use.

To implement your procedures

  1. Enter U next to the LOGFILES parameter group in Customizer.
  2. Update the relevant fields.
  3. Press F6 (Action).

    Your procedures are used for logging and browsing.

  4. Press F3 (File).

    Your changes to the parameter group are saved.