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Hardcopy Activity Log

A region can have more than one hardcopy activity log, of which only one is open for logging.

Your region can be configured to perform logging to disk, tape, or hard copy. From one to nine logs can be specified by including the required number of DD statements in the execution JCL. Logging can be specified to wrap when the last log is full or is swapped.

To obtain the status of these logs, use the SHOW LOGS command.

Note: When logging to disk the following DCB attributes should be used:


Format of Logged Information

Each entry recorded on the log has the following format:   SMITH     TERM54    +V NET,ACT,ID=NCP001

This entry consists of the following information:

Commands are highlighted with a plus sign (+) prefixed to the text to make it easier to distinguish commands from messages when browsing the log. If the command entered is an unsolicited VTAM command, it is highlighted and prefixed with an equals sign (=).

Format of Logged Timer-initiated Commands

Commands executed as the result of a timer-initiated command are prefixed by a plus sign, followed by the identity number of the timer command responsible. This identity number has the following format: #nnnn.

Example: Logged Timer-initiated Command

This example shows the log record of a command initiated by a timer:   NETOPER   CNTL01    +#0005 D BFRUSE

Format of Logged Commands Executed in Background Environments

Commands executed under the control of background environments are identified by the following keywords in the user ID field for the command text and any resulting messages:


Background System Processor


Background Monitor


Background Logger

Format of Logged Commands from NCL Procedure-dependent Environment

If a command is executed from an NCL procedure-dependent environment (&INTCMD), the node field on the log contains the NCL ID of the process issuing the command.

Format of Log After Time Change

If a time change causes the time to go backward, the activity log differentiates the records that overlap in time by adding a plus sign (+) after the time for the newer records. The feature is only available when you are viewing the log in the default or NORMAL format.

Format of the Hardcopy Log

The hardcopy log data set has the following format: