CA Technical Support uses the DUMP ECMF command for diagnostic purposes.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
DUMP ECMF [RCN [=( QUEUE=RESOURCE|DURATION [,QNAME=mask] [,RNAME=mask])]] [RCQ [=( QUEUE=ASID|DURATION} [,JOBNAME=mask] [,ASID=X'asid'])]] [EQ1AREA] [GNT[= QNAME({x'qname'|qname})] [= EXEMPT({NO|YES})] ] [GNX]
Important! This command is to be used only when you are directed by CA Technical Support to do so.
Dumps the Resource Conflict control block.
Dumps the Requestor Conflict control block.
(Optional) Dumps the EQ1AREA control block.
(Optional) Dumps the GNT control blocks. Optionally, the QNAME, exempt QNAME status, or both can selectively dump the GNT control blocks. The qname can be a one- to eight-character name, such as SYSIEFSD, or a hexadecimal value, such as X'E2E8E2C9C5C6E2C4'.
The EXEMPT option indicates that the GNT control blocks dumped should be for either exempt resources (YES) or non-exempt resources (NO). The default is to dump all GNT control blocks.
(Optional) Dumps the GNX control blocks.
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