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(MII) DUMP GDIF Command-Create GDIF Dump

CA Technical Support uses the DUMP GDIF command for diagnostic purposes.

Important! This command is to be used only when you are directed by CA Technical Support to do so.

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

            [GNT[= QNAME({x'qname'|qname})]
                [= EXEMPT({NO|YES})] ]
            [GQB[=FORMAT({NO|YES})] ]
                [RNAME=({x'rname'|rname})] ]

(Optional) Dumps the EQ1AREA control block.


(Optional) Dumps the GQ4AREA control blocks. This produces the same result as the DUMP GDIF GQ4AREA command.


(Optional) Dumps the GNT control blocks. Optionally, the QNAME, exempt QNAME status, or both can selectively dump the GNT control blocks. The qname can be a one- to eight-character name, such as SYSIEFSD, or a hexadecimal value, such as X'E2E8E2C9C5C6E2C4'.

The EXEMPT option indicates that the GNT control blocks dumped should be for either exempt resources (YES) or non-exempt resources (NO). The default is to dump all GNT control blocks.


(Optional) Dumps the GNX control blocks.


(Optional) Dumps the GQB control blocks. Optionally, the GQB control blocks can be selectively dumped by QNAME or RNAME. The qname can be a one- to eight-character name, such as SYSIEFSD, or a hexadecimal value, such as X'E2E8E2C9C5C6E2C4'. The rname can be either a 1- to 255-character value, such as Q4, or a 1- to 255-hexadecimal value, such as X'D8F4'. The default (if no other options are specified) is to dump all GQB control blocks in hexadecimal format, ignoring any GCB control blocks.

You can specify GCB to specify whether any GCB control blocks, queued from the GQB control blocks, should be dumped (YES) or (NO).

FORMAT controls the form of the displayed output. NO indicates that the information is presented in hexadecimal dump format. YES indicates that information is presented in message text format.


(Optional) Dumps the GQ0AREA control block.


(Optional) Dumps the GQ4AREA control blocks. This produces the same results as the DUMP GDIF EXEMPTLIST command.


(Optional) Causes GDIF to perform a reconciliation of GDIF control blocks with local GRS control blocks. Discrepancies, if any, result in an SVC DUMP.


(Optional) Displays information regarding the performance times of the last execution of selected events, if any. Currently, performance data is captured only for ACTIVATION and GLBLCOPY, two processes that occur during GDIF startup and synchronization. This information is shown in message MIM1121I.

If one of the above events has not yet occurred since the startup of the product, then zeros will be displayed. If one of the above events is currently in progress when this command is issued, then unpredictable results will be returned.

The optional RESET parameter resets all the service performance metrics.

Usage Notes: DUMP GDIF

Examples: DUMP GDIF Command