Use the CMDPREFIX parameter on the SETOPTION command to define a unique one- to eight-character command prefix string. The command prefix string directs a command to a specific CA MIM address space.
To use a CA MIM command with a command prefix, specify the prefix string for CA MIM immediately before the command that you want to execute. By default, the CA MIM command prefix is @ (the at-sign character).
For example, if you want to issue a SETOPTION SVCDUMP=NO command and the command prefix for your site is @, issue this command:
If you are running multiple copies of CA MIM, then be sure to use the correct command prefix string. You can issue an F MIM,DISPLAY MIM OPTIONS command to see what prefix string is assigned to each started task.
If you are running in a sysplex, then you can use the z/OS display OPDATA command to determine the command prefix string of all CA MIM address spaces.
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