The SYSDUMP command lets you obtain a system dump of CA MIM, and optionally, a list of other named address spaces. You can request the dump on the issuing system, all systems in the CA MIM complex, and all external systems to the issuing system, or a list of selected systems in the complex.
Scope: Local or Global
This command has the following format:
(Optional) This parameter controls the content of the system dump requested by CA MIM. Select one of the following:
Uses the installation-defined default options for the content of the system dump.
Gathers the least amount of information in the system dump.
Gathers the greatest amount of information in the system dump.
(Optional) Specifies the list of jobs to be dumped.
(Optional) Determines whether the system should be set to non-dispatchable (YES) or remain dispatchable (NO) while the content of system storage areas are being dumped.
(Optional) Determines the target systems that are to obtain the system dump. Specify one of the following values:
Obtains a system dump on every system in the MIMplex.
Obtains a system dump on all systems in the MIMplex except the system on which the command is issued.
Obtains a system dump only on the system where the command is issued.
Obtains a system dump on the named systems. You can specify any system named in the DEFSYS initialization statements, such as SMF ID, CA MIM alias names, or CA MIM system names.
(Optional) Specifies the title, 1 to 100 characters, used in the generation of the system dump. The default title is 'name MIMGR REQUESTED DUMP', where name is the name of the system requesting the dump. As indicated, you must enclose the title in single quotes.
Usage Notes: SYSDUMP Command
Example: SYSDUMP Command
To request a system dump on system SYS1, you could issue the following:
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