The QNAME statement lets you indicate how the GDIF, ECMF, or both of these CA MII facilities should handle ENQ and RESERVE requests for classes of resources.
This command has the following format:
Specifies the major name (or QNAME) of the class of resources that should be processed. You can specify the QNAME in either character or hexadecimal format. If you use character format and the QNAME contains embedded blanks, then you need to enclose the QNAME in single quotation marks.
(Optional) Indicates whether ECMF should issue messages when a conflict occurs for one of these resources. Specify NO or YES on this parameter.
Default: ECMF=NO
(Optional) Tells GDIF whether to use an exempt list (which is contained in the GDIEXMPT member) to obtain supplemental and more specific information on how to handle ENQ requests for resources in this class. You can use the exempt list to tell GDIF to propagate ENQ requests for some but not all of the resources in this class. Specify NO or YES on this parameter.
Default: EXEMPT=YES for the resources with the SYSDSN QNAME. EXEMPT=YES when GDIF is running in ALLSYSTEMS mode and it adds a QNAME statement to the QNAME list dynamically. In ALLSYSTEMS mode, GDIF adds QNAME statements dynamically when an ENQ or RESERVE request is issued for a resource with a SCOPE value of SYSTEMS. Otherwise, the default value is EXEMPT=NO.
(Optional) Tells GDIF whether to propagate ENQ and RESERVE requests as global ENQ requests and eliminate hardware reserves for this class of resources. Specify NO or YES on this parameter.
Default: GDIF=YES
(Optional) Indicates how many seconds ECMF should wait before issuing the first conflict message when several tasks need one of these resources at the same time. Specify a value from 0 to 999 (integers only) in place of the nnn variable. You can use the abbreviation RPTAFTER for this parameter.
(Optional) Indicates how many seconds ECMF should wait before reissuing conflict messages when several tasks need one of these resources at the same time. Specify a value from 0 to 600 (integers only) in place of the nnn variable. A value of zero will result in a single conflict message being issued. You can use the abbreviation RPTCYCLE for this parameter.
Note: You cannot use the exempt list to tell ECMF to perform special processing for resources. If you do not want ECMF to process some of the resources with the same QNAME, then you need to code one of the optional user exit routines.
(Optional) Indicates whether GDIF should change the way it handles hardware reserves for this class of resources. The value you specify here overrides the value on a GDIINIT statement when GDIF is handling this class of resources; you can override this value for a designated resource through a GLOBAL statement. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that GDIF should eliminate hardware reserves.
Specifies that GDIF should retain hardware reserves.
If you specify the RESERVES parameter, then the value will override the value you specify on the RESERVES parameter on a GDIINIT statement.
Note: You can use the RESERVES parameter on a GLOBAL statement in the exempt list to override this value, based on the name of a resource.
By default, GDIF propagates ENQ and RESERVE requests for a class of resources whenever you specify a QNAME statement for those resources. If you do not want to propagate requests for those resources, then specify GDIF=NO on the QNAME statement.
Typically, GDIF propagates all requests for a QNAME whenever you specify a QNAME statement for that class of resources. However, you can tell GDIF to propagate only certain types of requests for that QNAME. To tell GDIF which requests to propagate, specify one of the values for SCOPE on the QNAME statement.
(Optional) Indicates whether GDIF should propagate only certain ENQ and RESERVE requests, depending on what scope is specified on the request. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that GDIF should propagate all requests that have a scope of SYSTEM or SYSTEMS, including requests that produce hardware reserves.
Specifies that GDIF should propagate requests that have a scope of SYSTEMS and produce hardware reserves.
Note: Requests that do not produce hardware reserves are not propagated, even if they have a scope of SYSTEMS.
Specifies that GDIF should propagate requests that have a scope of SYSTEM.
Specifies that GDIF should propagate requests that have a scope of SYSTEMS.
Note: This includes requests that produce hardware reserves.
Note: For SYSDSN and SYSZVOLS, the SCOPE defaults to SYSTEM. CA does not recommend specifying a SCOPE of ALL for any QNAME unless specifically recommended by the vendor responsible for the QNAME.
(Optional) Indicates whether trace information should be collected by GDIF for these resources. Specify one of these values on the TRACE parameter:
Collects information about ENQ requests, RESERVE requests, and conflicts for these resources.
Because collecting information about ENQ and RESERVE requests takes additional processing time, you should not specify this value for a QNAME if requests for that QNAME need to be propagated as quickly as possible.
The ENQTRACE feature must be active to collect this information. You can activate this feature through the SETTRACE operand on the SETOPTION GDIF command.
Collects information about conflicts for these resources.
The ENQTRACE feature must be active to collect this information. You can activate this feature through the SETTRACE operand on the SETOPTION command.
Indicates that you do not want trace information.
All trace information is sent to the MIM trace data set.
Usage Notes: QNAME Statement
Example: QNAME Statement
Suppose that you want GDIF and ECMF to perform the following processing for the ENDEVOR resource class:
To achieve these results, specify this statement in the MIMQNAME member:
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