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(MII) SETOPTION ECMF Command-Set ECMF Operating Values

The SETOPTION ECMF command lets you set operating values for the ENQ Conflict Management Facility.

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

               [REQCKPT={ASK | DISCARD | RELEASE | USE}]
               [REQUEUE={OFF|ON} ]
               [REQSECUR={OFF|ON} ]
               [SETTRACE=({ALL |
                          [NQFRONTENDEXIT]} )
               [STATCOLLECT={ALL| NONE | NOSUBTYPE=(list) | SUBTYPE=(list)}]

(Optional) Indicates whether messages MIM1038 and MIM1039 are issued as action messages with message MIM1040 for SYSDSN ECB-type conflicts.

If SETOPTION ECMF ACTIONMESSAGES is set to YES, then these messages will display highlighted and will be non-scrollable to provide a more obvious reminder and give you a greater opportunity to respond.

These messages are highlighted only when they are issued with message MIM1040, which is for conflicts involving the SYSDSN ECB-type enqueues issued by the initiator during batch job allocation. This option does not apply to conflicts arising from dynamic allocation.



(Optional) Determines whether the ECMF AUTOFREE feature is activated.

If you want ECMF to release a data set when a conflict occurs for a data set that is marked “not in use,” then activate the AUTOFREE feature.

When you activate this feature, ECMF determines whether a data set is marked “not in use” during a conflict. If so, then ECMF automatically frees the data set and notifies the TSO user that it has freed the data set.

Note: For detailed information about this feature, see the chapter “Advanced Topics” in the CA MII Programming Guide.



Tells CA MIM that you are setting operating values for ECMF rather than for any other facility. Specify the ECMF operand if you want to truncate an operand in a way that may be ambiguous with operands for other facilities.

Because ECMF is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand.


Indicates what command prefix character ECMF should use when issuing JES2 commands to requeue a batch job in the event that ECMF cannot dynamically determine the target JES2 subsystem command character. ECMF extracts the command prefix string registered with CONSOLE services by the primary JES2, or any poly-JES2, when it is necessary for ECMF to schedule a command to a given JES2 subsystem. Specify this command prefix character in place of the character variable.

You can specify the command prefix character in either character or hexadecimal format. For example, you can specify JESCHAR=! Or JESCHAR=X'5A'.

Default: JESCHAR=$


(Optional) Determines whether the CA MIM messages MIM1098 and MIM1099 are issued to TSO users holding data sets involved in ENQ conflicts.

You can customize usage of the CA MIM messages MIM1098 and MIM1099, which are issued for TSO users holding data sets involved in ENQ conflicts.

Valid values are:


Allows the messages to be issued.


Never issue messages.


Do not issue messages when the ECMF requeue task issues 'test' enqueues to determine the availability of data sets needed by requeued jobs. However, the messages are issued at all other times.

Note: Any change to this option is recognized immediately. Therefore, a TSO user causing a conflict at the time of the change may be affected, depending on how the option is changed.

Default: MIM1098=ALWAYS


(Optional) Indicates whether to override the TSO user profile option NOINTERCOM when sending data set AUTOFREE or CONFLICT messages to the user who has use of the data set in question. To override the NOINTERCOM option and send the messages, issue the command SETOPTION ECMF NOICOVRD=YES.



(Optional) Allows you to choose whether jobs held in the job queue are released all at once or one at a time for jobs whose data sets have become available.

YES --Releases jobs from the job queue all at once

NO --Releases jobs from the job queue one at a time according to the REQCYCLE timer setting



(Optional) Indicates how many cycles ECMF should wait before requeuing a batch job that is waiting for a resource. This operand takes effect only when the REQUEUE feature is active. Specify a value from 0 to 50 (integers only) in place of the nnn variable.

The length of a cycle is set through the REPORTCYCLE parameter on the SYSDSN QNAME statement.

You can specify 0 for REQAFTER; however, delays in processing the ENF51 signalling due to system slowdowns may prevent MIM1038I or MIM1039I messages from being issued when a job is requeued. We recommend a value of 1 or higher for this operand to reduce the likelihood of not receiving these messages.

Default: REQAFTER=3


(Optional) Indicates how ECMF should handle checkpoint information and requeued jobs if ECMF stops or is restarted. Specify one of these values on the REQCKPT operand:


Specifies that ECMF should ask the operator what to do.


Specifies that ECMF should not keep a record of requeued jobs at shutdown. At startup, ECMF should discard checkpoint information without releasing the requeued jobs.


Specifies that ECMF should release all requeued jobs.


Specifies that ECMF should store information about requeued jobs in the checkpoint file at shutdown. At startup, ECMF should use the checkpoint information to rebuild the queue of jobs.



(Optional) Tells ECMF how many seconds to wait before reevaluating a resource conflict. This operand takes effect only when the REQUEUE feature is active. Specify a value from 10 to 300 (integers only) in place of the seconds variable.

Default: REQCYCLE=30


(Optional) Determines whether the ECMF REQUEUE feature is activated.

You can use this command to automatically requeue batch jobs that have requested data sets with the QNAME value of SYSDSN when TSO users are using the requested data sets or other batch jobs. You cannot use this feature to requeue jobs when they request data sets with any QNAME value other than SYSDSN.


Note: This operand is only valid if checkpoint files have been allocated.

Activate the REQUEUE option by specifying SETOPTION REQUEUE=ON. When you do this, ECMF requeues batch jobs that cannot obtain a data set. ECMF also places the job in a held state until the data set is available. ECMF automatically releases the job when the data set is available.

ECMF requeues jobs if a conflict occurs during job initiation before the first step of the job begins to execute. If a conflict occurs after that time (for example, due to a dynamic allocation), then ECMF will not requeue the job.

You deactivate the REQUEUE option by specifying SETOPTION REQUEUE=OFF.

Note: JES3 customers are unable to use the CA MII ECMF REQUEUE feature. JES3 determines resource availability prior to job initiation, so the ECMF REQUEUE feature becomes redundant. JES3 customers should specify SETOPTION ECMF REQUEUE=OFF.

For detailed information about this feature, see the chapter “Advanced Topics” in the CA MII Programming Guide.


(Optional) Allows the ECMF requeue commands to always be issued with the UTOKEN of the CA MIM address space. Specify ON or OFF for this operand.



(Optional) Allows you to turn off trace event printing for the specified trace option or all options. For an explanation of options, see the SETTRACE operand.


(Optional) Turns off tracing for the specified option or for all options. For an explanation of the options, see the SETTRACE operand.


(Optional) Turns on the print function for the specified trace event options. For an explanation of the options, see the SETTRACE operand.


(Optional) Turns on the trace feature for the specified trace event options. You can specify one or more of the following options:


Traces all of the following events.


Traces data set conflict processing.


Traces ENQ resource conflict information provided by the GRS ENF 51 resource conflict signals.


Traces enqueue processing.


Traces calls to GDIF/ECMF subroutines.


Traces GQB processing.


Traces GQSCAN interface processing and return codes.


Traces entry to and from the ENQ pre-front-end exit installed at the ISGNQXITPREBATCH IBM installation exit point.


Controls tracing of various internal control blocks at strategic points in the CA MII exit code planted on the ISGNQXITBATCH IBM GRS user exit point.

Default: No trace options are active.


(Optional) Controls the creation of statistical records for the ECMF report. Specify one of the following values:


Turns on statistical record collection for all record subtypes.


Turns off all statistical record collection.


Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned off.


Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned on.


The record subtype for ECMF is CR, for the ECMF conflict job requeue record subtype.


(Optional) Specifies how often, in seconds, statistical data is sampled for the ECMF report.

Default: STATCYCLE=60


(Optional) Specifies how often, in minutes, statistical data samples are recorded for use in the ECMF report.


Usage Notes: SETOPTION ECMF Command

Example: SETOPTION ECMF Command

To begin statistical record creation for the CR report, have the record data sampled every 90 seconds, and record the data every 30 minutes, issue the following command: