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(MII) LOCAL Statement-Manage Local ENQ Requests

The LOCAL statement lets you identify ENQ requests that should not be propagated by GDIF. You can use this statement to override values you specified on the DEFAULT and GLOBAL statements. The LOCAL statement is available only with the GDIF of the CA MII component.

Note: Local statements may not apply to RESERVE requests, depending on the value of the SETOPTION GDIF EXEMPTRESERVES command.

This command has the following format:

LOCAL {JOB=name} [PERMANENT={NO|YES}] | RNAME=rname [QNAME=qname]

Indicates that GDIF should not propagate ENQ requests for the resources requested by this job. Specify the name of this job in place of the name variable.

You can use the asterisk (*) and pound (#) wildcard characters to match more than one job name with this statement.


Determines whether you can use the EXEMPT command to negate this statement dynamically. Specify one of these values on the PERMANENT parameter:


Indicates that this statement is not permanent. You can use the EXEMPT command to negate it.


Indicates that this statement is permanent and you cannot negate it.



Tells GDIF to use this LOCAL statement only when the QNAME on the ENQ request matches this QNAME. Specify the QNAME in place of the qname variable. You can use the pound (#) wildcard character, which is described in Usage Information for EXEMPT, to match more than one QNAME with this statement.


Indicates that GDIF should not propagate ENQ requests for the resource with the RNAME specified in place of the rname variable. You can use the asterisk (*), pound (#), and question mark (?) wildcard characters, which are described in Usage Information for EXEMPT to match more than one RNAME with this statement.

The RNAME has a maximum length of 255.

Note: If you place a * before the end of the RNAME, it is replaced by a # (single character).

Usage Notes: LOCAL Statement

Examples: LOCAL Statement