The SETOPTION GDIF command lets you set operating values for the GDIF.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
(Optional) Determines what type of information GDIF should collect about requests for non-managed resources.
You can collect several types of information to display about requests for non-managed resources specifically, information about local-system requests, multiple-system requests, and requests that produce hardware reserves. The SETOPTION GDIF COUNT statement determines the type of information displayed on the DISPLAY COUNTS command.
For example, if you are considering which ENQ requests to propagate, then you may want to specify SETOPTION COUNT=SYSTEMS. Then, when you issue a DISPLAY COUNTS command to see what ENQ activity has occurred for non-managed resources, GDIF shows a count of ENQ and RESERVE requests for these resources.
You can set the maximum number of displayable non-managed resources by specifying that number on the GDIINIT NMCOUNT statement. If nothing is specified for the NMCOUNT parameter, then the default value is 255.
The SETOPTION command does not affect displays for managed resources. GDIF shows you all ENQ and RESERVE requests for all managed resources. Note that this command is not effective retroactively.
You can reset the counts by issuing the command DISPLAY COUNTS=RESET. Then, you can specify the DISPLAY COUNTS=SINCE=INITIALIZATION command to view the counts since CA MII initialized, or specify the command DISPLAY COUNTS=SINCE=LASTRESET to view the counts since the last RESET was issued.
Specify one of these values on the COUNT operand:
Collects information about ENQ requests that have a scope of SYSTEM or SYSTEMS. RESERVE requests are included in this information.
Collects information about RESERVE requests only.
Collects information about ENQ requests that have a scope of SYSTEMS. RESERVE requests are included in this information.
Default: SYSTEMS
(Optional) Determines whether CA MII is immediately activated when DEQs occur. Valid values are:
Posts the service address space (that is, request a control file cycle) each time the ISGENDOFLQCB exit is called for a GDIF managed resource. Using this option minimizes resource contention delays, but may increase CA MIM control file cycle rates and CPU consumption.
Similar to the CONTENTION option, but the post is skipped if the average CA MIM control file cycle rate on that system exceeds 10 control file access per second. This option provides a balance between resource contention delays, CA MIM control file bandwidth, and CPU consumption.
Posts the service address space each time the ISGENDOFLQCB exit is called for a GDIF managed resource for which recent cross-system contention has been observed. CA MII populates a data structure that keeps track of cross-system contention for GDIF-managed resources. The first occurrence of cross-system contention causes the contention for the resource to be tracked. From that point, until the data structure is cleared, all calls to the ISGENDOFLQCB exit for that resource result in a post to the service address space (i.e. the 2nd through nth occurrences). The data structure is cleared once every minute. Using this option minimizes resource contention delays (except for the first occurrence), but may increase CA MIM control file cycle rates and CPU consumption during periods of resource contention.
Does not post the service address space when the ISGENDOFLQCB exit is called. The DEQ event is queued and processed upon the next naturally occurring CA MIM control file cycle (for example, another managed ENQ request or timer expiration). Use of this option minimizes MIM control file cycles and CPU consumption, but may increase resource contention delays.
(Optional) Tells CA MIM whether to have LOCAL statements in the exempt list apply to RESERVE requests. If you specify YES, then LOCAL statements in the exempt list do apply to RESERVE requests. If you specify NO, then LOCAL statements do not apply to RESERVE requests. NO is the default value.
Important! You should be aware that an integrity exposure could exist if this option is not used consistently across all systems in your complex.
For example, assume that there is a matching LOCAL Statement in the exempt member on both systems, also assume that NO is specified on SYSA and JOBA issues the first RESERVE request for an exempted resource. This results in the RESERVE being converted to a global enqueue. Assume that YES is specified on SYSB and JOBB issues a subsequent request on SYSB for the same exempted resource. The request of JOBB is not propagated. As a result, both JOBA and JOBB could have concurrent ownership, possibly corrupting the resource.
Default: NO
Tells CA MIM that you are setting operating values for GDIF rather than for any other facility. Specify the GDIF operand if you want to truncate an operand in a way that may be ambiguous with operands for other facilities.
Because GDIF is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand.
(Optional) Allows you to turn off trace event printing for the specified trace option or all options. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE operand.
(Optional) Allows you to turn off tracing for the specified option or for all options. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE operand.
(Optional) Turns on the print function for the specified trace event options. For an explanation of the options, see the SETTRACE operand.
(Optional) Turns on the trace feature for the specified trace event options. You can specify one or more of the following options:
Traces all of the following events.
Traces data set conflict processing.
Traces GDIF posting of internal control blocks during DEQ processing. GDIF will only trace DEQs for QNAMES with TRACE=ALL coded in the MIMQNAME member. If TRACE=NONE or TRACE=CONFLICT is specified for a QNAME, then no DEQ tracing will occur for that QNAME. You can use the ALTER command to change the TRACE operand on the QNAME statement.
Traces enqueue processing.
Traces calls to GDIF/ECMF subroutines.
Traces GQB processing.
Traces GQSCAN interface processing and return codes.
Traces GDIF transactions.
Traces entry to and from the ENQ pre-front-end exit installed at the ISGNQXITPREBATCH IBM installation exit point.
Controls tracing of various internal control blocks at strategic points in the CA MII exit code planted on the ISGNQXITBATCH IBM GRS user exit point.
Controls tracing of various internal control blocks at strategic points in the CA MII exit code planted on the ISGNQXITQUEUED IBM GRS user exit point.
Controls tracing of various internal control blocks at strategic points in the CA MII exit code planted at the ISGENDOFLQCB IBM GRS user exit point.
(Optional) Controls the creation of statistical records for the GDIF reports. Specify one of the following values:
Turns on statistical record collection for all record subtypes.
Turns off all statistical record collection.
Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned off.
Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned on.
The record subtypes for GDIF are:
EC - GDIF enqueue/reserve count data record subtype
(Optional) Specifies how often, in seconds, statistical data is sampled for the GDIF reports.
Default: STATCYCLE=60
(Optional) Specifies how often, in minutes, statistical data samples are recorded for use in the GDIF reports.
Usage Notes: SETOPTION GDIF Command
Examples: SETOPTION GDIF Command
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