The ALTER command lets you modify certain attributes of a QNAME in your QNAME list, which provides GDIF, ECMF, or both with information on how to handle ENQ and RESERVE requests for classes of resources. This command is available only when you are running the GDIF or the ECMF of the CA MII component.
The ALTER command affects only the system on which it is issued. You cannot add or delete QNAMEs from the list by using this command.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
Indicates whether ECMF should issue messages when a conflict occurs for one of these resources. Specify NO or YES.
Identifies the QNAME statement that you are modifying. The statement must appear in your QNAME list already. Specify the QNAME for this statement in place of qname.
You can specify this QNAME in either character or hexadecimal format. For example, you can specify QNAME=A123 or QNAME=X'C1F1F2F3'. If you use character format and the QNAME contains embedded blanks, then enclose that QNAME in single quotation marks.
Indicates how many seconds ECMF should wait before issuing the first conflict message when an ENQ conflict occurs. Specify a value from 0 to 999 (integers only) in place of seconds.
You can use the abbreviation RPTAFTER for this operand.
Indicates how many seconds ECMF should wait before reissuing conflict messages when an ENQ conflict occurs. Specify an integer from 0 to 600 in place of seconds. A value of zero results in a single conflict message being issued. You can use the abbreviation RPTCYCLE for this operand.
Indicates what type of trace information should be collected by GDIF for these resources. Specify one of these values on the TRACE operand:
Collects information about ENQ requests, RESERVE requests, and conflicts for these resources.
CA MII tracing must be active in order to collect this information. You can activate this feature through the SETTRACE operand on the SETOPTION command.
Collects information about conflicts for these resources.
CA MII tracing must be active to collect this information. You can activate this feature through the SETTRACE operand on the SETOPTION command.
Indicates that you do not want trace information.
Usage Notes: ALTER Command
Examples: ALTER Command
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