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(MII) DATASET Statement-Apply EDIF Processing Options

The DATASET statement lets you apply a set of EDIF processing options to a specific data set. This statement is available when you are running the EDIF of the CA MII component.

This command has the following format:

                     [AUTHORIZED PROGRAMS(programs)
                     [BLKSIZE={ANY | DSCB | size]
                     [CHECKEXCLUSIVE PROGRAMS(programs)
                                     UTILITY(statements) ]
                     [DSORG={ANY | DSCB | type}]
                     [EXEMPT PROGRAMS(programs)
                             UTILITY(statements) ]
                     [LRECL={ANY | DSCB | length}]
                     [OPTION ([{ABEND|NOABEND}]
                             [{WAIT|NOWAIT}]  )]
                    [RECFM={ANY | DSCB | format ]

(Optional) Identifies the programs that are authorized to read this data set. This parameter is used during read verification. Use the ACCESSCHECK option to have EDIF verify the authority of a program to read this data set.


Identifies authorized programs. Specify the names of these programs in place of programs.


Indicates which UTILITY statements identify authorized programs. Specify the names of these statements in place of statements.


(Optional) Identifies the programs that are authorized to update this data set. This parameter is used during utility verification. Use the UTILITY option to have EDIF verify the authority of a program to update this data set.

If you omit the AUTHORIZED parameter, then EDIF scans UTILITY statements to identify authorized programs. EDIF compares the record format and data set organization values on UTILITY statements with the values in the DSCB of the data set. If these values match, then EDIF lets programs named on that UTILITY statement update the data set.


Identifies authorized programs. Specify the names of these programs in place of programs.


Indicates which UTILITY statements identify authorized programs. Specify the names of these statements in place of statements.


(Optional) Indicates whether EDIF should verify the block size attribute and what block size value EDIF should use. This parameter is used during attribute verification. EDIF compares this value to the value on the BLKSIZE parameter in the JCL of a job or in the DCB of a program. Use the ATTRIBUTES option to have EDIF verify data set attributes during an update.


Tells EDIF to ignore this attribute.


Tells EDIF to use the block size value in the DSCB of the data set.


Specifies the correct block size for this data set. Specify an integer from 1 to 32768.



(Optional) Tells EDIF to disallow updates by any of the specified programs or utilities if the JCL of the job specifies DISP=SHR. EDIF issues message MIM4006 to record this type of violation in the system log and in the log of the job (for batch jobs). EDIF also broadcasts this message to TSO sessions and consoles that are receiving routing code 11 messages. To prevent this type of update, you also need to specify the ABEND option.


Identifies the programs that EDIF should check. Specify the names of these programs in place of programs.


Indicates which UTILITY statements identify the programs that EDIF should check. Specify the names of these statements in place of statements.


(Optional) Indicates whether EDIF should verify the data set organization attribute and what data set organization value EDIF should use. This parameter is used during attribute verification. EDIF compares this value to the value on the DSORG parameter in the JCL of a job or in the DCB of a program. Use the ATTRIBUTES option to have EDIF verify data set attributes during an update. Specify one of the following:


Tells EDIF to ignore this attribute.


Tells EDIF to use the data set organization value in the DSCB.


Specifies the data set organization value that EDIF should use. Specify one of these values in place of this variable:

  • DIRECT (or DA)
  • ISAM
  • VSAM



(Optional) Used during attribute verification, identifies programs that are exempted from attribute verification for this data set. Use the ATTRIBUTES option to have EDIF verify data set attributes during an update.


Identifies exempted programs. Specify the names of these programs in place of programs.


Indicates which UTILITY statements identify exempted programs. Specify the names of these statements in place of statements.


(Optional) Used during attribute verification, indicates whether EDIF should verify the logical record length attribute and what logical record length value EDIF should use. EDIF compares this value to the value on the LRECL parameter in the JCL of a job or in the DCB of a program. Use the ATTRIBUTES option to have EDIF verify data set attributes during an update.


Tells EDIF to ignore the logical record length attribute.


Tells EDIF to use the logical record length value in the DSCB of the data set.


Specifies the correct logical record length for this data set. Specify an integer from 1 to 32768.



(Optional) Indicates which EDIF processing options should be applied to this data set. Specify one or more of the following options:


Indicates whether EDIF should prevent inappropriate updates by abending jobs. Specify ABEND to abend tasks or NOABEND to negate an ABEND option on another statement.

EDIF issues messages about the abended task to all TSO sessions and consoles receiving routing code 11 messages.


Indicates whether EDIF should see if a program is authorized to read this data set. Specify ACCESSCHECK to perform read verification or NOACCESSCHECK to negate an ACCESSCHECK option on another statement. Use the ACCESSLIST parameter to identify authorized programs. To prevent unauthorized programs from reading this data set, the ABEND option also must be in effect.

EDIF issues message MIM4069 to record read violations in the system log and in the log of the job (for batch jobs). EDIF also broadcasts this message to TSO sessions and consoles that are receiving routing code 11 messages.


Indicates whether EDIF should determine if a program changes the attributes of this data set during an update. Specify ATTRIBUTES to perform attribute verification or NOATTRIBUTES to negate an ATTRIBUTES option on another statement. EDIF verifies the attributes of non-VSAM data sets only.

You can use the EXEMPT parameter to identify programs that should not be checked. The BLKSIZE, DSORG, LRECL, and RECFM parameters determine what attribute values EDIF uses. To prevent an attribute change, the ABEND option also must be in effect.

EDIF issues message MIM4004 or MIM4005 to record attribute violations in the system log and in the log of the job (for batch jobs). EDIF also broadcasts this message to TSO sessions and consoles that are receiving routing code 11 messages.


Indicates whether EDIF should issue conflict messages if two or more jobs try to update this data set at the same time. Specify CONFLICTMESSAGES to receive these messages or NOCONFLICTMESSAGES to negate a CONFLICTMESSAGES option on another statement.

EDIF issues conflict messages only if the ENQUEUE option also is enabled for this data set. EDIF issues message MIM4009 to record conflicts in the system log and in the log of the job (for batch jobs). EDIF also broadcasts this message to TSO sessions and consoles that are receiving routing code 11 messages.

The CA MII ENQ Conflict Management Facility (ECMF) provides similar conflict information. However, because the ECMF messages also identify the task that is holding the data set, you probably do not need to specify the CONFLICTMESSAGES option if you specify EDIDSN ECMF=ON in your QNAME list.


Indicates whether EDIF should determine if two or more jobs are updating this data set at the same time. Specify ENQUEUE to check for simultaneous updates or NOENQUEUE to negate an ENQUEUE option on another statement.

To send messages about simultaneous updates to the system log, to the job log (for batch jobs), and to all TSO sessions and consoles receiving routing code 11 messages, the CONFLICTMESSAGES option also must be enabled. To prevent simultaneous updates, the WAIT option must be enabled.


Indicates whether EDIF should differentiate record formats by carriage control characters (for example, whether EDIF should treat record formats FB, FBA, and FBM differently). These options are used only during attribute verification. Specify IGNORECC to tell EDIF not to differentiate by these characters or NOIGNORECC to negate an IGNORECC option on another statement.


Negates all EDIF processing for this data set.


SMF and RECORD are synonyms, as are NOSMF and NORECORD.

The SMF | RECORD option causes an SMF record to be written for each action taken by EDIF. The NOSMF | NORECORD option negates the SMF | RECORD option that may have been specified on a more generic statement.


Indicates whether EDIF should suppress notification messages that it sends to the system log, to the job log, and to TSO users and consoles receiving routing code 11 messages. Specify SUPPRESSMESSAGES to suppress these messages or NOSUPPRESSMESSAGES to negate the SUPPRESSMESSAGES option on another statement.


Indicates whether EDIF should determine if a program is authorized to update this data set. Specify UTILITY to perform utility verification or NOUTILITY to negate the UTILITY option on another statement.

You can use the AUTHORIZED parameter or UTILITY statements to identify programs that are authorized to update this data set. To prevent an unauthorized update, the ABEND option also must be in effect.

EDIF issues message MIM4002 to record utility violations in the system log and in the log of the job (for batch jobs). EDIF also broadcasts this message to TSO sessions and consoles that are receiving routing code 11 messages.


Indicates whether EDIF should wait until this data set is free before letting a second task update the data set. Specify WAIT to make tasks wait or NOWAIT to negate the WAIT option on another statement. EDIF issues message MIM4010 to notify you when a task is waiting for a data set to be freed. To prevent simultaneous updates, the ENQUEUE option also must be in effect.



Used during attribute verification, indicates whether EDIF should verify the record format attribute and what record format value EDIF should use. EDIF compares this value to the value on the RECFM parameter in the JCL of a job or in the DCB of a program. Use the ATTRIBUTES option to have EDIF verify data set attributes during an update.


Tells EDIF to ignore the record format attribute.


Tells EDIF to use the record format value in the DSCB of the data set.


Specifies the correct record format for this data set. Specify one of these record formats or record format combinations in place of format:

  • ASA
  • FB
  • FBA
  • MVB
  • VBA
  • VBM


Usage Notes: DATASET Statement

Note: For more information, see the CA MII Programming Guide.

Example: DATASET Statement

To bypass ENQ processing, which was activated on another EDIF processing statement, and to allow only LOGON, ACCOUNT, and SEND processing to update the SYS1.UADS data set, specify this statement in the EDIPARMS member: