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(MIC) GCMINIT Statement-Set GCMF Initialization Statements

The GCMINIT statement lets you set initialization values for the GCMF of the CA MIC component.

Scope: N/A

This command has the following format:

        [EXTCON={NONE | PREFIX=ppp}]

(Optional) Assigns a designated group of subsystem consoles, inactive consoles, or both to the target console pool. GCMF uses these consoles to execute cross-system commands issued through linkages. Specify a single console name or console names (to a maximum of 40) in place of connames.

We recommend that you use the MAXCONS operand on the SETOPTION command to allow GCMF to dynamically allocate consoles to the console pool. Use the CONSLIST parameter to directly assign consoles to the pool.


(Optional) Determines whether GCMF inserts a system alias in the job-stamp field for messages. EDITMESSAGE and SYSNAME are both used to insert system IDs into messages.

It is important that system personnel be able to identify where a cross-system message originates, especially when you are consolidating message traffic from multiple system images to one or more local consoles. The message format presented to active consoles is dictated by the z/OS MFORM=(T,S,J) parameter for the console (you can specify T, S, J, or all three). Message text is always displayed. The MFORM value indicates what type of additional information should be displayed with the message text as follows:

When you set MFORM=(T,J), a typical console message would look like this:


However, by allowing CA MIC to edit the JOBID field, you can easily identify the originating system by its two-digit system alias (from DEFSYS):

17:27:43.09 S2 J 919 IEF453I TESTJOB - JOB FAILED - JCL ERROR

The GCMINIT EDITMESSAGE statement allows you to edit the JOBID field and tell CA MIC which system's messages should be edited: ALL, EXTERNAL, LOCAL, or NONE. The default value is EXTERNAL. In the above example, S2 is the alias of the originating EXTERNAL system.

The GCMINIT JOBID statement affects how the job ID is displayed after CA MIC edits the JOBID field.

Specify one of the following values on the EDITMESSAGE parameter:


This causes CA MIC to insert system aliases in messages being routed both externally and locally.


This causes CA MIC to insert system aliases in messages being routed to external systems.


This causes CA MIC to insert system aliases in local messages.


This prevents CA MIC from inserting system aliases in any messages.



(Optional) Specifies how GCMF should allocate extended target consoles for the dynamic target console pool. The EXTCON parameter has the following options:


This indicates that GCMF is not to use MCS extended consoles for the dynamic target console pool. GCMF allocates subsystem consoles for the dynamic target console pool instead. CA does not recommend this option, but advises that you use MCS extended consoles for the dynamic target console pool.


This value defines a one- to three-character prefix used in generating extended target console names. The first character must be alphabetic or national. The remaining characters can be alphabetic, national, or numeric.

The prefix will be used as the first one to three characters of the extended target console name in the format pppssnnn, where ppp is the first one to three characters in the console name, ss is the system alias or system index number (depending on whether a DEFSYS appears for this system) and the remaining characters (nnn/nnnn/nnnnn) of the extended target console name will be a numeric value, in ascending sequence, generated by GCMF, for example, GCMAA000.



(Optional) Determines how the JOBID field is modified when GCMINIT EDITMESSAGE edits the job stamp. This parameter affects both local and imported messages with regard to the leading zero in JES2 systems supporting five-digit job numbers. Specify one of the following:


This value indicates that the leading zero is always retained. Using the previous examples, the JOBIDs would be 32J00302 and 32J10351 respectively.

Note that the leading zero remains in the JOBID 32J00302.


This value means that CA MIC modifies the eight-character JOBID field by condensing the JOB prefix into one character, moving that character to the right, and inserting the CA MIC system alias.

For example, if the original JES2 JOBID is JOB00302 in message text, and 32 is the CA MIC system alias, then the resulting field after editing would appear as 32 J0302. Note that there is a space between the system alias and the JOBID. The JES2 JOBID for JOB10351, however, would be 32J10351.



(Optional) Indicates what range of reply IDs GCMF should use for WTOR replies issued on the local system. Specify the lower number first. The valid range is 0 to 9999, but not exceeding the value set on the IBM RMAX parameter (contained in the CONSOLxx member of the data set SYS1.PARMLIB). You must assign at least ten IDs per system.

Default: REPLYLIMIT(00,99)

Note: The GCMINIT REPLYLIMIT statement is not valid in a sysplex environment. CA MIM issues message MIM3126 when this conflict is detected.


(Optional) Determines how CA MIC handles commands that do not contain a security UTOKEN, that are received on a system running a command security software package.

You can specify ISSUE to instruct the receiving system to attempt to issue the command, or REJECT to have the receiving system automatically reject any command without a security UTOKEN.



(Optional) Indicates whether GCMF should suppress the command text when a cross-system REPLY command is echoed on the issuing system. To prevent CA MIC from echoing this text on the local system for a cross-system reply, specify YES.

For example, if you issue the cross-system command @S2,35,PASSWORD=XXX from the local system in reply to message 35 on system S2, CA MIC suppresses command text so the log of the issuing console and the log of the local system record the reply as: @S2,35,SUPPRESSED.



(Optional) Indicates which system ID GCMF places in the system ID field of imported messages. SYSNAME and EDITMESSAGE are both used to insert system IDs into messages. Specify one of these values on the SYSNAME parameter:


This uses the ID of the system where the message originated.


This uses the ID of the local system.


This causes GCMF to leave the system ID field of imported messages unaltered.

You can disable the system name field editing action by specifying GCMINIT SYSNAME=NONE in the initialization member.

Note: For JES3 users, due to the structure of JES3 messages, we recommend editing the system name field rather than the job ID field.



(Optional) Indicates whether the system name or alias (as defined on the DEFSYS statement) appears in the system ID field of imported messages in the system log or on the console. This parameter is also used in conjunction with the SYSNAME parameter to identify systems more explicitly. Specify one of these values on the SYSTYPE parameter:


This variable indicates that the system alias is inserted in the system ID field.


This variable indicates that the system name is inserted in the system ID field.



(Optional) Indicates whether GCMF should convert non-printable and non-displayable message characters into blanks. Specify NO or YES on this parameter.


Usage Notes: GCMINIT Statement

Examples: GCMINIT Statement