CA MIC Statements and Commands › (MIC) FREECONS Command-Deallocate Target Consoles
(MIC) FREECONS Command-Deallocate Target Consoles
The FREECONS command allows you to deallocate target consoles allocated to the current CA MIC address space. Consoles can be allocated to the CA MIC target console pool dynamically (using SETOPT MAXCONS), directly (using GCMINIT CONSLIST), or exclusively (using LINK TGTCONS). The MINCONS value establishes the minimum number of consoles CA MIC retains should you issue a FREECONS MINCONS command.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
Deallocates all consoles from the pool, regardless of the allocation method used.
Deallocates consoles allocated to the pool dynamically, except for the minimum number set by the SETOPTION MINCONS command.
Deallocates all consoles allocated to the pool directly using the GCMINIT CONSLIST statement.
- console
Specifies the name of a console that you want to deallocate from the pool, regardless of the allocation method that was used to assign it.
Usage Notes: FREECONS Command
- FREECONS has no effect on established linkages. It deallocates the console, not the links issued from that console.
- The FREECONS command usually is issued from a console, rather than from the MIMPARMS data set.
- You must be authorized to issue system control commands to issue the FREECONS command. TSO users generally are not authorized to issue system control commands.
- When you deallocate a target console, GCMF returns that console to the operating system. Unless the console is reallocated, you will not see the ID of that console if you use the DISPLAY POOLCONSOLES command to see which consoles are associated with linkages.
Examples: FREECONS Command
- Assume that MAXCONS=5 and MINCONS=2 are specified in the MIMCMNDS member of the MIMPARMS data set. This allows CA MIC to dynamically allocate up to five consoles for the pool. If CA MIC had five consoles in the pool, and a FREECONS MINCONS command is issued, CA MIC would deallocate three consoles, and save two consoles for the console pool. To deallocate all dynamically allocated consoles, except for the minimum number reserved for GCMF, issue this command:
- To deallocate console GCMAA000, issue this command:
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