CA MIC Statements and Commands › (MIC) DROPSYS Command-Remove System from ICMF Complex
(MIC) DROPSYS Command-Remove System from ICMF Complex
The DROPSYS command lets you remove an external system from your ICMF complex.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
- sysid
Specifies the system name, system alias, or index number of the ICMF system that you are removing.
Note: If the ID of this system on the IDEFSYS command does not match the ID of the system on the DEFSYS statement, then specify an ID from the IDEFSYS command.
Usage Notes: DROPSYS Command
- The DROPSYS command must be issued from a console or a TSO session. You cannot issue this command from the MIMPARMS data set.
- You must be authorized to issue system control commands to issue the DROPSYS command. TSO users generally are not authorized to issue system control commands.
- You should issue this command only if the system you are removing will not rejoin the ICMF complex soon.
- To determine what ICMF system IDs have been assigned to a system, issue the DISPLAY ICMF SYSTEMS command. Message MIM6003 appears to display the system IDs.
Examples: DROPSYS Command
- To remove the entry for system SYSB from the local system, issue this command:
- If you are removing system LA from a star-type ICMF complex, then issue a command like this one from system LA:
By issuing this command from the system you are removing, and by specifying the EXT parameter, you direct your DROPSYS command to all systems except system LA.
Note: In this example, the CA MIM command character is @.
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