The DOM command lets you immediately delete one or more action messages from local and external consoles. In this context, delete actually means that highlighted messages are changed to normal intensity, so they scroll off the console.
The DOM command only deletes messages that have been reissued by GCMF as a result of a COLLECT command. The DOM command must be issued on the same system from which the original message came. To display the action messages eligible for deletion, issue the DISPLAY DOM DETAIL command.
You would use this command if you did not want to wait for the highlighted message to be automatically changed to a non-highlighted message by GCMF (see SETOPTION AUTODELETE, DELETEINTERVAL). The DOM command is available only when you are running GCMF of the CA MIC component.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
DOM [ASID=asid] [CLEAR] [ERASE] [JOBNAME=jobname] [MSGID=msgid]
Deletes messages that have a designated address space ID. Specify this ID in place of the asid variable. GCMF deletes these messages from all MCS consoles, local and external.
You can use the DISPLAY DOM DETAIL command to see what address space IDs are assigned to messages.
Deletes all action messages from all MCS consoles, local and external.
Deletes all action messages from external MCS consoles but not from local MCS consoles.
Deletes all action messages issued by the designated job. Specify a single name in place of the jobname variable. GCMF deletes these messages from all MCS consoles, local and external.
Deletes all action messages with the designated message ID. Specify a single ID in place of the msgid variable. GCMF deletes these messages from all MCS consoles, local and external.
Usage Notes: DOM Command
Examples: DOM Command
Assume for this example that some or all messages from job PAYROLL have been collected to local consoles, external consoles, or both.
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