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(MIA) GTAINIT Statement-Set GTAF Initialization Values

The GTAINIT statement lets you set initialization values for the GTAF of the CA MIA component.

Scope: N/A

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Determines the response of GTAF when GTAF intercepts a request for ASSIGN processing for an IBM 3480-type tape device. Specify one of these values on the ASSIGN parameter:


Tells GTAF to let z/OS handle requests for ASSIGN processing and not to modify z/OS ASSIGN processing in any way for z/OS VARY ONLINE commands. CA MIA VARY ONLINE commands have ,SHR appended to them, which issues a multi-system assign request.


Tells GTAF to convert all ASSIGN requests to multiple-system ASSIGN requests and to let any system that provides the correct password share devices with other systems that use the same password.

By default, GTAF lets systems share devices when they provide the password ' NON-JES' (including the quotation marks and the preceding blank). To establish a different password, specify the new password in place of the password variable. The new password can be up to 11 characters long. If it contains non-numeric characters, then enclose the password in single quotation marks.


Suppresses z/OS ASSIGN processing, which prevents 3480 tape devices from being assigned to a certain system or group of systems. This value must be specified if you are running CA MIA for z/VM.

You need to specify the same value for the ASSIGN parameter on all systems that are sharing a group of devices. Also, when you specify ASSIGN=NOASSIGN for one system, you must specify this value for all systems, whether they are sharing devices.


Note: There is a blank space before the term NON-JES, following the first single quotation mark.

Usage Notes: GTAINIT Statement

Examples: GTAINIT Statement