The SETOPTION TPCF command lets you set operating values for the TPCF.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
(Optional) Determines the following:
TPCF responds to z/OS allocation messages for a job only if a device that CA MIA is managing is on the eligible device list of that job.
You can specify multiple values on the AUTOREPLY operand. You can specify the LOCALDISPLAY operand and the AUTOREPLY operand on the same SETOPTION command.
Determines the response to the z/OS IEF238D message, which z/OS issues whenever there is no suitable device to satisfy an allocation request. Specify one of these values:
CANCEL--Indicates that TPCF should reply CANCEL if all offline devices are not available or externally dedicated. Otherwise, TPCF removes devices from the offline device list before asking the operator to respond to this message.
CONDITIONAL--Indicates that TPCF should give the operator a chance to reply manually to the z/OS message when an offline device is available (after TPCF removes devices) or when a job cannot wait for an online device to be deallocated.
This parameter indicates that TPCF replies WAIT if WAIT is an option on the z/OS message and no offline devices remain in the offline device list after TPCF removes devices from this list. Otherwise, TPCF requests operator intervention.
MANUAL--Indicates that TPCF should let the operator reply manually to this message. TPCF removes devices from the offline device list before requesting operator intervention on the MIM2060 message.
WAIT--Indicates that TPCF should reply WAIT whenever WAIT is an option on the z/OS IEF238D message. If WAIT is not an option, then TPCF removes devices from the offline device list before requesting operator intervention.
Note: WAIT is usually not an option on the z/OS IEF238D message for jobs doing dynamic allocation.
If TPCF can respond automatically to the z/OS IEF238D message, then TPCF issues a multi-line WTO containing the IEF238D and MIM2046 messages. If TPCF cannot reply automatically (including when IEF238D=MANUAL), then TPCF reissues the z/OS IEF238D message as message MIM2060.
TPCF cancels a job, no matter what value you specify for the IEF238D operand, if both of these conditions exist:
Default: IEF238D=MANUAL
Determines the response of TPCF to the z/OS IEF433D message, which z/OS issues whenever you or TPCF replies WAIT to the z/OS IEF238D message. This value tells z/OS whether to allow other allocation requests to be processed while the current request waits for an available device. Enter one of these values on the IEF433D operand:
HOLD --Tells z/OS that all other allocation requests for this device type, except dynamic allocations, will wait until the current request is satisfied.
MANUAL --Indicates that the operator should control the situation and that TPCF should take no action.
NOHOLD--Tells z/OS that the current job reenters allocation and that other requests continue processing.
Do not specify IEF433D=HOLD if you are reserving devices using the VARY command or if you have defined elimination logic in the TPCEDLXT exit routine. Replying HOLD under these circumstances can cause jobs to terminate.
We recommend that you do not specify IEF433D=HOLD even when you are not reserving devices or using an exit routine, since this can potentially lead to long delays in allocation processing.
Default: IEF433D=MANUAL
Determines whether TPCF sends message MIM2046 to the console and to the system log or only to the system log when TPCF replies to a z/OS IEF238D or IEF433D message. The MIM2046 message indicates what response was given to the z/OS message. Specify one of these values on the MIM2046 operand:
CONSOLE--TPCF should send all MIM2046 messages to the console and to the system log.
HARDCOPY--TPCF should send all MIM2046 messages to the system log only.
Default: MIM2046=CONSOLE
Note: When an operator replies to these z/OS messages, TPCF always sends the MIM2046 message only to the system log.
Controls TPCF AUTOREPLY processing when WAIT is not an option on the IEF238D WTOR and all offline devices remaining after TPCF device elimination are either NOTAVAILABLE or EXTERNALLY DEDICATED. You can specify one of the following options:
CANCEL--Determines whether a job is automatically canceled when no devices appear in the offline device list.
Note: The job is not automatically canceled if you specify CANCEL=NO. The MIM2060 WTOR is issued with CANCEL as the only option. The operator will be forced to reply CANCEL. Until the operator replies CANCEL, the job in allocation recovery will hold tape device allocation resources that will be serialized across the CA MIM complex and tape allocations on all systems in the CA MIM complex will experience delays.
We strongly recommend that you specify CANCEL=YES unless you have some specific reason for not doing so.
EXTDEDDISP--Determines whether EXTERNALLY DEDICATED devices are displayed on the MIM2042 device list.
NOTAVLDISP--Determines whether NOTAVAILABLE devices are displayed on the MIM2042 device list.
Note: NOTAVAILABLE devices are not displayed if there are externally dedicated devices and EXTDEDDISP=YES.
Note: If both externally dedicated and not available devices exist in the offline device list and EXTDEDDISP=YES, then only the externally dedicated devices are displayed. If there are no externally dedicated devices or EXTDEDDISP=NO, then not available devices are displayed.
Prevents TPCF from issuing its own allocation recovery messages and affects how TPCF eliminates devices from the IEF247I offline device list. TPCF always eliminates overgenned devices and all devices removed by a job reserve or TPCEDLXT exit routine processing. During normal allocation recovery processing, TPCF may eliminate not-available and externally dedicated devices from the offline device list. However, if you specify OFF on the AUTOREPLY operand, then TPCF does not eliminate not-available or externally dedicated devices from the offline device list.
Overrides the value set in SYS1.PARMLIB(ALLOCxx) for the z/OS exit routine ALLC OFFLN MAXNWAIT for how many times an allocation recovery exit (like TPCF) can reply to an allocation recovery request. The value specified for the SETOPTION AUTOREPLY command is only valid for devices managed by CA MIA. You can specify a number from 1 to 255, or accept the default value, UNLIMITED.
Allows TPCF to perform its normal allocation recovery processing. TPCF issues its own allocation recovery messages, eliminates all overgenned and all devices removed by job reserve or TPCEDLXT exit routine processing, and may eliminate not-available and externally dedicated devices. This is the default value for AUTOREPLY.
Overrides the value set in SYS1.PARMLIB(ALLOCxx) for the z/OS exit routine SPEC WAIT MAXNWAIT for how many times an allocation recovery exit (like TPCF) can reply to an allocation recovery request. The value specified for the SETOPTION AUTOREPLY command overrides the z/OS default for devices managed by CA MIA. You can specify a number from 1 to 255, or accept the default value, UNLIMITED.
This setting affects the way CA MIM responds when a job has requested a specific device, for example, UNIT=580, and the requested device is allocated already.
(Optional) Provides the default setting for the FORCE option on the VARY JOB command when no FORCE option is specified on that command.
(Optional) Determines which managed device is shown first and how many devices are included by default in the local status display for devices. You can use the DISPLAY LOCALUNITS command to obtain this display. Specify one or both of these values on the LOCALDISPLAY operand:
Determines which managed device is shown first by default. Specify DEVICE=FIRST to start with the device that has the lowest alphanumeric local name. To start with a different device, specify a local device name in place of the device variable.
Determines how many devices are displayed by default. Specify a value from 1 to 9999 in place of the number variable.
Default: NUMBER=8
(Optional) Determines whether TPCF issues message MIM2032 if it recognizes a change in the active status on the local system for an assignable device with an active ACL feature. The change in status is recognized by TPCF sampling the UCB for the device. Specify one of these values on the MIM2032 operand:
Indicates that TPCF should issue MIM2032 as a non-rollable, non-deletable highlighted message (WTO).
Indicates that TPCF should issue MIM2032 as an unhighlighted message.
Indicates that TPCF should not issue MIM2032.
Default: MIM2032=NO
(Optional) Determines whether additional diagnostics are performed at the time the message MIM2044 ALL DEVICES HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED DURING ALLOCATION RECOVERY is issued. If YES is specified, then the MIM2196I or MIM2197I messages are issued. These messages contain the CA MIA input and output device lists. The lists aid in determining why all devices were eliminated for the allocation.
Default: MIM2044DIAG=YES
(Optional) Determines whether OVERGENNED devices are marked ineligible in the EDL (eligible device list). When devices are marked ineligible, they are no longer considered eligible for allocation by the operating system.
Note: CA MIA always removes OVERGENNED devices from the offline device list in allocation recovery, regardless of the value set for OVGINELIG.
OVERGENNED devices are not marked ineligible in the EDL
OVERGENNED devices are always marked ineligible in the EDL
OVERGENNED devices are marked ineligible in the EDL when both of the following are true:
Default: NO
(Optional) Tells TPCF to stop writing trace records to the MIM trace data set. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE operand. To cancel a SETOPTION SETPRINT command that you issued previously, specify the same value for the RESETPRINT operand that you specified for the SETPRINT operand.
Note: Resetting the RESYNCH, SWAP, or VARY options for this parameter through the SETOPTION TPCF command resets the same options for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the TPCF and GTAF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION TPCF and SETOPTION GTAF for sites that activate only one of the facilities.
(Optional) Tells TPCF to stop generating trace records. For an explanation of trace options, see the SETTRACE operand. To cancel a SETOPTION SETTRACE command that you issued previously, specify the same value for the RESETTRACE operand that you specified for the SETTRACE operand.
Note: Resetting the RESYNCH, SWAP, or VARY options for this parameter through the SETOPTION TPCF command resets the same options for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the TPCF and GTAF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION TPCF and SETOPTION GTAF for sites that activate only one of the facilities.
(Optional) Determines the values used for resynchronization, whether it is due to the CA MIA RESYNCH command or a z/OS I/O reconfiguration (z/OS ACTIVATE or HCD). The values set on this operand may be temporarily overridden by a RESYNCH command. You can specify one or more of the following:
Allows commands to be issued from a member of the parameter data set after resynchronization. Specify the member name or NONE.
Indicates which class of devices CA MIA will manage. Specify TAPE or NONE. The default value is the value specified on the MIMINIT DEVCLASS statement.
Identifies the data set member that CA MIA uses to obtain device control information. Specify the member name or NONE. The default value is the value specified on the MIMINIT DEVLIST statement.
Identifies the data set member that CA MIA uses to obtain a list of devices you wish to exclude from CA MIA management. The default value is specified on the MIMINIT DEVEXCL statement.
Determines whether CA MIA begins managing new devices as soon as they are created by a z/OS I/O reconfiguration.
Specify NO to indicate that new devices will be recognized, and that the values for DEVCLASS and DEVLIST will be used. Specify YES to indicate that new devices will not be recognized, and that the values for DEVCLASS and DEVLIST will be ignored.
Note: Setting a value for any of the RESYNCH parameters using the SETOPTION TPCF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF RESYNCH parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facility. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.
(Optional) This turns on the print function for the specified trace event options. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE parameter.
Note: Resetting the RESYNCH, SWAP, or VARY options for this parameter through the SETOPTION TPCF command resets the same options for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the TPCF and GTAF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION TPCF and SETOPTION GTAF for sites that activate only one of the facilities.
(Optional) Causes TCPF to generate trace records. CA Technical Support may ask you to specify this operand for diagnostic purposes. Specify one of these values on the SETTRACE operand:
Traces ACE record processing.
Traces all TPCF processing.
Traces the CA MIA SSI 24 device selection processing. Job name filtering is available for this tracing using the SETOPTION MIM TRACE=(JOBNAME=jjjjjjjj) command.
Traces the CA MIA SSI 78 device selection processing. Job name filtering is available for this tracing using the SETOPTION MIM TRACE=(JOBNAME=jjjjjjjj) command.
Traces device PIN and UNPIN processing.
Traces allocation recovery processing. Job name filtering is available for this tracing using the SETOPTION MIM TRACE=(JOBNAME=jjjjjjjj) command.
Traces RESYNCH command processing.
Traces entire SSTA in CA MIA SSI 78 processing. Job name filtering is available for this tracing using the command SETOPTION MIM TRACE=(JOBNAME=jjjjjjjj).
Traces SWAP processing.
Traces VARY command processing.
For the format of the MIM2076 trace records, see the description of the MIM2076 message in the Messages and Codes guide.
Note: Setting the RESYNCH, SWAP, or VARY options for this parameter using the SETOPTION TPCF command sets the same options for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facility. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.
(Optional) Setting this option to YES causes all CA MIA-managed devices to be varied OFFLINE upon shutdown. Otherwise, all devices are left in their current state.
This option is only available if COMMUNICATION=SOLO is specified.
(Optional) Controls the creation of statistical records for the TPCF report. Specify one of the following values:
Turns on statistical record collection for all record subtypes.
Turns off all statistical record collection.
Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned off.
Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned on.
The record subtype for TPCF is TP, or GTAF tape statistics record subtype.
Note: Setting a value for the STATCOLLECT parameter using the SETOPTION TPCF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facility. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.
(Optional) Specifies, in seconds, how often statistical data is sampled for the TPCF report.
Default: 60
Note: Setting a value for the STATCYCLE parameter using the SETOPTION TPCF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facility. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.
(Optional) Specifies, in minutes, how often statistical data samples are recorded for use in the TPCF report.
Default: 15
Note: Setting a value for the STATINTERVAL parameter using the SETOPTION TPCF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facility. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.
Tells CA MIM that you are setting operating values for TPCF rather than for any other facility. Specify the TPCF operand if you want to truncate an operand in a way that may be ambiguous with operands for other facilities.
Because TPCF is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand.
(Optional) Controls the updating of the user data field using the USERDATA command, and the issuing of message MIM2069 after the successful completion of USERDATA command processing. Specify one of these values on the USERDATA operand:
Indicates that, when a USERDATA command is processed, you want to clear the entire user data field before the loading of new user data information specified on the USERDATA command.
Indicates that, when a USERDATA command is processed, you do not want to clear the entire user data field before the loading of new user data information specified on the USERDATA command.
Indicates whether CA MIA should issue message MIM2069 after successful completion of USERDATA command processing. Possible values are NO and YES.
(Optional) Specifies the interval, in seconds, that CA MIA waits for completion of VARY device processing before considering the VARY activity delayed. When the VARYDELAY time expires, CA MIA issues a message, indicating that there is a delay in VARY device processing.
Note: Setting a value for this parameter sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both GTAF and TPCF faclities. The settings are available under both the SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for installations that may only have one of these facilities activated.
Valid values are:
Specifies that no IEEVARYD VARY interval timing is performed.
An integer from 30 to 120, specifying the length of the interval in seconds
Default: VARYDELAY=30
(Optional) Specifies, that the CA MIA how many times a VARY command is requeued before notification messages are issued.
Note: Setting a value for the VARYRQNTFY parameter using the SETOPTION GTAF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are made available under both the SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that activate only one of the facilities.
Valid values are:
Specifies that VARY command is not requeued.
An integer from 1 to 5, specifying the number of times the VARY command can be requeued before notification messages are issued.
Default: None
(Optional) Controls whether MIA VARY deduplication (removal of duplicate VARY commands) occurs. This command has no effect in a z/VM environment.
Deduplication occurs.
Deduplication does not occur.
Usage Notes: SETOPTION TPCF Command
Example: SETOPTION TPCF Command
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