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(MIA) SETOPTION GTAF Command-Set GTAF Operating Values

The SETOPTION GTAF command lets you set operating values for the GTAF.

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

                          [MINTIME=minutes]  )]
               [GLOBALDISPLAY ([DEVICE={device|FIRST}]
                               [VOLSER={NO|YES}]     )]
               [LOCKTUNING=(FREELOCK=number,HOLDLOCK=number )
               [RESETPRINT=*See SETTRACE]
               [RESETTRACE=*See SETTRACE]
               [RESYNCH[=([COMMANDS={membername|NONE} ]
                          [DEVCLASS={NONE|TAPE} ]
                          [DEVLIST={membername|NONE} ]
                          [DEVEXCL={membername|NONE} ]
                          [SAMEDEVS={NO|YES} ]) ]
               [SETPRINT=*See SETTRACE.] 
                         [VARY] ) ]
               [STATCOLLECT=(ALL | NONE) | (NOSUBTYPE(list) | SUBTYPE(list))]
               [VARYDELAY={30|NONE | seconds}]
               [VARYDEDUP={NO|YES} ]) ]
               [VARYRQNTFY={NONE| n}]
               [VARYSCOPE={EXTERNAL|GLOBAL|LOCAL|sysid} ]

(Optional) Controls the amount and type of information that appears in the ANALYZE TAPEDELAY command.


Controls the number of waiters and owners displayed.

  • The TYPE=CONTENTION events controls the number of waiters displayed.
  • The TYPE=WAITNOHOLD events controls the number of owners and waiters displayed.


Range: 1-99


(Optional) Applies when your site is running one or more z/OS systems that are operating as guests under the same z/VM system. More specifically, it allows CA MIA running on z/OS guest systems to attach and detach drives in response to the need to allocate drives. It is used as follows: When an Autopath-managed device is idle and is attached to one z/OS guest system, that drive can be detached from the idle system and then attached to a system requiring its use in response to jobs going into allocation recovery. You can specify one or more of the following options:


Controls whether CA MIM can automatically request that an Autopath-managed device be made available to the local system when it is needed by an attach request from the local system.

ON--Autopath will request that an available Autopath-managed device be made available to the local system.

OFF--Autopath will not request that an available Autopath-managed device be made available to the local system.



Controls whether CA MIA can automatically detach an Autopath-managed device when another system requests use of the device.

ON--Specifies that CA MIA be allowed to detach an Autopath-managed device when another system requests use of the device.

OFF--Prevents automatic detaching of an Autopath-managed device.



Sets the name of the CA MIA server machine running on the z/VM host. This name is used by CA MIM to issue ATTACH and DETACH commands using CA MIA for devices managed by CA MIA. This option has no effect in native z/OS systems, in systems where no devices are managed by Autopath, or in systems where CA MIA is not running on the z/VM host or not managing any devices .


Note: You must specify the name of the CA MIA server machine if you are using Autopath for z/OS in conjunction with Autopath for z/VM.

For more information, see the section z/VM Considerations in the chapter "Advanced Topics" in the CA MIA Programming Guide.


Sets the maximum number of Autopath-managed devices CA MIA may have attached at any one time. The legal values are 1 - 9999.

Default: MAXATTACH=8


Sets the maximum time, in minutes, that Autopath processing waits for a device to become available to the local system before cancelling the request.

Valid values are 1 to 60.

Default: MAXTIME=2


Sets the minimum time, in minutes, that a device must remain attached to the local system before it becomes eligible for automatic reattachment to another system by Autopath. This parameter is intended to prevent thrashing behavior in which tape devices are frequently moved from one system to another without ever being allocated. Legal values available for use are 1 - 60.

Default: MINTIME=5


(Optional) The DDN SETOPTION controls data collection on possible delays that are occurring on a system.

Default: DDN=ON


(Optional) Turns on contention warnings.

OFF - Indicates CA MIA DDN does not warn of contention delays.

nn - Sets the interval, in minutes, before reissuing the MIM2140W message.



(Optional) Turns on wait/nohold delay warning.

OFF - Indicates CA MIA does not warn of wait/nohold delays.

nnn - Indicated the number of wait/nohold responses before issuing a warning.



(Optional) Controls the amount and type of information that appears in the global status display for GTAF-managed devices. You can use the DISPLAY GLOBALUNITS command to obtain this display. The GLOBALDISPLAY operand also controls the format of the display. You can specify one or more of the following values on the GLOBALDISPLAY operand:


Controls the format of the display for global device information. Specify one of the following values on the FORMAT operand:

INVERSE--This value displays the global names of devices along the horizontal axis and the names of systems along the vertical axis. This format limits the maximum number of devices that can be displayed to eight per line. The format does not limit the number of systems that can be displayed.

STANDARD -- This value displays the names of systems along the horizontal axis and the global names of devices along the vertical axis. This format limits the maximum number of systems that can be displayed to seven. The format does not limit the number of devices that can be displayed.



(Optional) Determines whether devices that are only defined to systems that have been freed are included in the display of global status information. Specify the following values on FREE:

YES--All global devices are displayed, even if they are not defined on any active system.

NO--Devices will be excluded from the display if they are not defined on any active system.

Default: FREE=YES


Determines which managed device is shown first by default in the global status display for devices. Specify one of the following values on the DEVICE operand:

device--GTAF displays the device having this global name first.

FIRST--GTAF displays the device having the lowest alphanumeric global name first.

You can override this value when you issue the DISPLAY command.



(Optional) Indicates whether you want to include full system names or system aliases in the display of global status information for GTAF-managed devices. Specify one of these values on the HEADER operand:

ALIAS--This value displays the alias associated with each system. The system aliases can be up to two bytes long.

SYSNAME--This value displays the full system name associated with each system. System headers appear on the horizontal axis for standard displays and on the vertical axis for inverse displays. The system names can be up to eight bytes long. In the standard display, specifying HEADER=SYSNAME reduces the number of systems that GTAF can display by one.



(Optional) Determines whether the job status is included in the display of global status information when at least one device is allocated to a job. Specify one of these values on the JOBNAME operand:

NO--This value omits the job status from the display.

YES--This value displays the name of the job that has the device allocated. GTAF uses JOBNAME as the label for this information. The job status appears on the horizontal axis for standard displays and on the vertical axis for inverse displays.

Because a job can require up to eight bytes of space in the display, specifying JOBNAME=YES limits the number of devices or systems that GTAF can display per line. For the standard display, the maximum number of systems that GTAF can display per line is reduced by one. For the inverse display, the maximum number of devices that GTAF can display per line is six.



Determines whether the device mount-pending time should be included in the GTAF options display. Specify one of these values on the MOUNTPEND operand:

NO--Omits the mount-pending line from the display.

YES--Displays the tape drive mount-pending time. This value limits the number of devices or systems that can be displayed. On a standard display, the maximum number of systems that GTAF can display per line is decreased by one. On an inverse display, the maximum number of devices that GTAF can display is six per line.



Determines how many devices are included by default in the global status display for devices. You can override this value when you issue the DISPLAY command.

Specify a value from 1 to 9999 (integers only). If you request inverse format for the display (by specifying FORMAT=INVERSE) and this value exceeds the maximum number of devices that GTAF can fit on a line, then GTAF places the additional device information in a separate global status display.

Default: NUMBER=8


Determines whether reserve status is included in the global status display when at least one device is reserved for a job mask. Specify one of these values on the RESERVE operand:

NO--This value omits the reserve line from the display.

YES--This value displays the name of the job mask that has the device reserved. GTAF uses RESERVE as the label for this information. The reserve status appears on the horizontal axis for standard displays and on the vertical axis for inverse displays.

Specifying RESERVE=YES limits the number of devices or systems that can be displayed. On a standard display, the maximum number of systems that GTAF can display per line is decreased by one. On an inverse display, the maximum number of devices that GTAF can display per line is six.



Determines the default order of the systems in the DISPLAY GLOBALUNITS display. Specify the full system name, two-character system alias, or two-digit system index number for the sysid variables. A system you identify for sysid must be defined to CA MIM through the DEFSYS statement. Specifying a value of INDEX causes systems to be displayed in order of system index number.

Note: INDEX must be fully qualified, so as to distinguish it from a possible valid system ID.



Determines the default number of systems returned when you issue the DISPLAY GLOBALUNITS command.

ALL--This value causes all systems to be displayed, and is the equivalent of specifying SYSNUM=32.

MAX--This value causes the maximum number of systems possible for the format of the display (STANDARD or INVERSE) to be displayed, without wrapping of the STANDARD display. For INVERSE format, the maximum number of systems displayed is unlimited (meaning MAX value is the same as ALL value). For STANDARD format, the maximum number of systems displayed is limited by the width of the console display.

Note: This value generates the same displays as in previous releases of CA MIM without the SYSNUM option.

nn--This value specifies the number of systems to be displayed. For INVERSE format, the number of systems displayed may be reduced if nn is less than the maximum number of systems. For STANDARD format, a wrapped display will be generated if nn exceeds the maximum number of systems that can be displayed on one line.



Determines which system is shown first by default in the global status display for devices. Specify one of the following values on the SYSTEM operand:

FIRST--This value displays information about the system having the lowest system index number first.

sysid--This value displays information about the system having this system ID first. The system ID can be the system name, alias, or internal index number. You can use the DISPLAY SYSTEMS command to display the index numbers for your systems.

You can override this value when you issue the DISPLAY command.



Determines whether data in the user data field for the specified device is included in the global status display for GTAF-managed devices. Specify one of the following values on the USERDATA operand:

NO--Do not display user data on the global display.

YES--Display device user data on the global device status display.

Specifying USERDATA=YES limits the number of devices or systems that can be displayed. On a standard display, the maximum number of systems that GTAF can display per line is decremented by one. On an inverse display, the maximum number of devices that GTAF can display per line is six.

You can set the user data values using the USERDATA command.



Determines whether volume serial status is included in the display of global status information when at least one device has a volume serial number to be displayed. Specify one of the following values on the VOLSER operand:

NO--This omits volume serial information from the display.

YES--This displays the volume serial number associated with each device. GTAF uses VOLSER as the label for this information. The volser status appears on the horizontal axis for standard displays and on the vertical axis for inverse displays. For the standard display, the maximum number of systems that GTAF can display is decremented by one. On an inverse display, the maximum number of devices that GTAF can display per line is six.

Default: VOLSER=NO


Tells CA MIM that you are setting operating values for GTAF rather than any other facility. Specify the GTAF operand if you want to truncate an operand in a way that may be ambiguous with operands for other facilities.

Because GTAF is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand.


(Optional) You can specify one or both of the following values for LOCKTUNING


Controls the length of time, in control file cycles, that CA MIA allows allocations to occur on the local system before permitting external systems to attempt allocation. Valid values are from 0-9999.

Default: FREELOCK=0


Sets number of control file cycles that CA MIA defers local system allocation requests to allow external systems device access once FREELOCK expires. Valid values are from 0-9999.

Default: HOLDLOCK=0

WARNING! Use this operand only at the direction of CA Technical Support.


(Optional) Determines whether the warning messages MIM2161W, MIM2162W, and MIM2165W are displayed. These messages warn you of potential system hangs due to the global enqueue serialization process, and assist in the diagnosis of delays encountered in the process.

If this parameter is set to zero, then the warning messages are not displayed. Otherwise, the setting indicates the number of seconds allotted for delay before a warning is issued, and how often the warning is issued until the delay is resolved.

Default: MIM216X=30


(Optional) Allows you to turn off trace event printing for the specified trace option or all options. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE operand.

Note: Resetting the DDN, PINSTAT, RESYNCH, and VARY options for this parameter through the SETOPTION GTAF command resets the same options for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.


(Optional) Allows you to turn off tracing for the specified option or for all options. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE operand.

Note: Resetting the DDN, PINSTAT, RESYNCH, and VARY options for this parameter through the SETOPTION GTAF command resets the same options for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.


(Optional) Determines the values used for resynchronization, whether it is due to the CA MIA RESYNCH command or the z/OS dynamic I/O reconfiguration (z/OS ACTIVATE or HCD). The values set on this operand may be temporarily overridden by a RESYNCH command. You can specify one or more of the following:


Allows commands to be issued from a member of the parameter data set after resynchronization. Specify the member name or NONE.



Indicates which class of devices CA MIA will manage. Specify TAPE or NONE. The default value is the value specified on the MIMINIT DEVCLASS statement.


Identifies the data set member that CA MIA uses to obtain device control information. Specify the member name or NONE. The default value is the value specified on the MIMINIT DEVLIST statement.


Identifies the data set member that CA MIA uses to obtain a list of devices you wish to exclude from CA MIA management.



Determines whether CA MIA begins managing new devices as soon as they are created by a z/OS I/O reconfiguration.

Specify NO to indicate that new devices will be recognized, and that the values for DEVCLASS and DEVLIST will be used. Specify YES to indicate that new devices will not be recognized, and that the values for DEVCLASS and DEVLIST will be ignored.


Note: Setting a value for any of the RESYNCH parameters using the SETOPTION TPCF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION GTAF RESYNCH parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facility. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.


(Optional) Turns on the print function for the specified trace event options. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE operand.

Note: Resetting the DDN, PINSTAT, RESYNCH, and VARY options for this parameter through the SETOPTION GTAF command resets the same options for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.


(Optional) Turns on the trace feature for the specified trace event options. You can specify one or more of the following options:


Traces all GTAF processing.


Traces all DDN processing.


Traces locks.


Traces masks.


Traces device PIN and UNPIN processing.


Traces RESYNCH command processing.


Traces SWAP processing.


Traces unit allocation/eallocation.


Traces VARY command processing.

Note: Resetting the DDN, PINSTAT, RESYNCH, and VARY options for this parameter through the SETOPTION GTAF command resets the same options for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.


(Optional) Specifies, in seconds, how often statistical data is sampled for the GTAF report.

Default: 60

Note: Setting a value for the STATCYCLE parameter using the SETOPTION GTAF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.


(Optional) Controls the creation of statistical records for the GTAF report. Specify one of the following values:


Turns on statistical record collection for all record subtypes.


Turns off all statistical record collection.


Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned off.


Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned on.


The record subtype for GTAF is TP, for the GTAF tape statistics record subtype.

Note: Setting a value for the STATCOLLECT parameter using the SETOPTION GTAF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.


(Optional) Specifies, in minutes, how often statistical data samples are recorded for use in the GTAF report.


Note: Setting a value for the STATINTERVAL parameter using the SETOPTION GTAF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are made available under both SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that may only be activating one of the facilities.


(Optional) Specifies the interval, in seconds, that CA MIA waits for completion of VARY device processing before considering the VARY activity delayed. When the VARYDELAY time expires, CA MIA issues a message, indicating that there is a delay in VARY device processing.

Note: Setting a value for this parameter sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are available under both the SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for installations that may only have one of these facilities activated.

Valid values are:


Specifies that no IEEVARYD VARY interval timing is performed.


An integer from 30 to 120, specifying the length of the interval in seconds

Default: 30


(Optional) Specifies, that the CA MIA how many times a VARY command is requeued before notification messages are issued.

Note: Setting a value for the VARYRQNTFY parameter using the SETOPTION GTAF command sets the same value for the equivalent SETOPTION TPCF parameter. In this case, the function is available to both the GTAF and TPCF facilities. The settings are made available under both the SETOPTION GTAF and SETOPTION TPCF for sites that activate only one of the facilities.

Valid values are:


Specifies that VARY command is not requeued.


An integer from 1 to 5, specifying the number of times the VARY command can be requeued before notification messages are issued.

Default: None


(Optional) Controls whether MIA VARY deduplication (removal of duplicate VARY commands) occurs. This command has no effect in a z/VM environment.


Deduplication occurs.


Deduplication does not occur.



(Optional) Specifies the default scope value for the VARY command. GTAF uses the value you specify for the VARYSCOPE operand if a user issues the VARY command and does not provide a scope value with one of these operands: ONLINE, OFFLINE, AVAILABLE, NOTAVAILABLE, OVERGENNED, and NOTOVERGENNED. Specify one of the following values on the VARYSCOPE operand:


Modifies the device status on all external systems; that is, on all but the local system.


Modifies the device status on all systems. When specified, this value also sets a GLOBAL status for the job identified in VARY JOB=name.


Modifies the device status on the local system.

Note: When specified, this value also sets a LOCAL status for the job identified in VARY JOB=name.


Modifies the device status only on the system you identify. The sysid variable represents the full system name, alias, or index number associated with a system defined to CA MIM.

You can override the default value set on the VARYSCOPE operand by specifying a scope value on the VARY command.


Usage Notes

Example: SETOPTION GTAF Command

To indicate that GTAF should display information about the global status of devices with the global names of devices along the horizontal axis and the names or aliases of systems along the vertical axis, issue this command: