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IBM DB2 UDB Connector
Along with the CA IdentityMinder Connector for the underlying operating system, the DB2 UDB Connector lets you administer accounts and groups on DB2 UDB databases and provides a single point for all user administration by letting you:
- Register DB2 UDB endpoints, explore them for objects to manage, and correlate their accounts with global users
- Create and manage DB2 UDB database authorization names (users and groups) using DB2 UDB-specific account templates
- Synchronize global users with their provisioning roles or synchronize global users' accounts with their account templates
- Assign a DB2 UDB account template to each of your DB2 UDB endpoints
- Use the default endpoint type account template to create DB2 UDB users with the minimum security level needed to access a DB2 UDB endpoint
- Create and manage DB2 UDB groups (Windows only)
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