To implement this example scenario, the administrator needs to perform the following tasks:
The Sales Manager needs to be a member of the User Manager admin role. This role gives the Sales Manager the required authority to initiate the Create User admin task for the new hire Sales Representative.
Task-level workflow guarantees that only one work item is generated to complete the Create User task. Because there are several individual events associated with the Create User task, event-level workflow would generate several work items, and also would be harder to configure.
The number of possible participant resolvers is determined by the selected workflow process template. The SingleStageApproval template includes primary and default approvers, other templates allow for more.
Because this scenario requires only two individuals approvers, the User List participant resolver provides the simplest solution. This resolver allows individual approvers to be selected by name, rather than multiple users to be selected by role or group.
The Management Console allows email notification for specific tasks and events. For this scenario, task email is enabled and email notifications are sent when the Create User task completes.
A custom email template is required to send email to the HR and IS departments with the appropriate subject line and message text.
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