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How to Configure Task-Level Workflow

Task-level workflow occurs before any task activity is processed. No events or nested tasks execute before the workflow process job begins.

To configure non-policy based task-level workflow

  1. In the User Console, select Roles and Tasks, Admin Tasks, Modify (or Create) Admin Tasks.

    A Select Admin Task screen appears.

  2. Search for the task you want under workflow control, and click Select.

    A Modify (or Create) Admin Task screen appears.

  3. On the Profile tab, verify that Enable Workflow is checked.
  4. On the Profile tab, click the Workflow Process button.

    The Task Level Workflow Configuration tab appears.

  5. Select one of the following process templates from the Workflow Process list:

    The Task Level Workflow Configuration tab expands.

  6. Configure participant resolvers as required by the process template.

    The participant requests are added to the process.

  7. Click OK.

    CA Identity Manager saves your task-level workflow configuration.

  8. Click Submit.

    CA Identity Manager processes the task modification.

Note: To configure policy based task-level workflow see the Policy-Based Workflow section.

More Information:

Participant Resolvers: Template Method