Upgrade Guide › WebLogic Version › Upgrade on a WebLogic Cluster › How to Migrate a Cluster Installation to WebLogic 11 › Configure Managed Nodes
Configure Managed Nodes
The CA Identity Manager installer installs JAR files on the Administration Server. The managed nodes need these files, but they are outside the EAR and are not pushed to the nodes. Using this procedure, you copy the JAR files to each managed node and configure the JDBC drivers on each node.
Note: This procedure also applies after you have installed CA Identity Manager and you want to add more nodes.
To configure managed nodes
- Copy the database JDBC drivers to all other managed nodes. Copy the sqljdbc.jar or ojdbc14.jar from WL_HOME/server/lib on the admin server to WL_HOME/server/lib/ on the node.
- Log on to a node where you installed Node Manager.
- If you have installed Node Manager as a Windows service, it must be disabled first as follows:
- Double-click Administrative Tools on the Control Panel.
- Double-click the Services icon.
- Double-click Oracle WebLogic NodeManager.
- Click Stop.
- Click Startup type and select Disabled.
- On the Admin Server, start WebLogic.
- Open the WebLogic Admin Server Administration console:
- Navigate to Environment, Servers, Server, Server Start tab.
- Fill in Java Home with Sun JDK home location of the JDK shipped with the application server.
- Fill in the Java Vendor with Sun.
- Fill in Class Path with the fully resolved content of WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH from commEnv.{cmd,sh} file shipped with the Application installation supplemented by WL_HOME\server\lib\ojdbc14.jar;WL_HOME\server\lib\sqljdbc.jar where WL_HOME is as set in commEnv.{cmd,sh} file shipped with the product.
- Verify that the JAVA ARGUMENT is as follows:
-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=50m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djavax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory=weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamInputFactory
If necessary, make changes to this argument if you have non-standard needs.
- Click Save.
- Log on to the next node and repeat this procedure.