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Create a Distributed JMS Server for WebLogic

To configure a WebLogic cluster for high availability, configure a distributed JMS server to manage queues and topics in JMS Modules for the cluster.

To create a distributed JMS server

  1. Create an IM_JMS_filestore directory on the managed node. For example, on a Windows system:
  2. Under Admin Console, go to Services, Messaging, JMS Servers, New JMS Server.
  3. Configure the following JMS objects in the Persistent Store section:
  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for one managed node per server in the cluster.
  5. Target GeneralMonitorCFdeployment subdeployment to each of the IM JMS servers you created. Associate GeneralMonitorCFdeployment with these resources:

    Note: The cluster was used as a target of GeneralMonitorCFdeployment by the installer, so you need to remove it as a target.