Managed object data is available to all CA Identity Manager APIs, for example:
You can access managed objects in the following ways:
Read/write access.
Provides direct access to the information in the data store.
All APIs can read attribute data in objects retrieved through ProviderAccessor, but typically only business logic task handlers and event listeners modify these objects.
Modifications are committed to the data store after the custom object calls modifyObject(). The modifications are committed immediately. No events are generated, and no workflow approvals, auditing, or security checks are performed.
Business Logic Task Handler
Read/write access.
Provides access to the run-time instance of objects in the current task. Objects are accessed through BLTHContext get... methods.
CA Identity Manager commits changes to the data store after any workflow approvals have been provided and the execution of events associated with the task is complete.
Event Listener
Read/write access. Can also generate secondary events.
Provides access to the run-time instance of an object in a particular event.
CA Identity Manager commits changes to the data store after any workflow approvals have been provided and the execution of the event is complete.
Notification Rule Participant Resolver
Read/write access.
Provides access to the run-time instance of an object in a particular event.
CA Identity Manager commits changes to the data store after any workflow approvals have been provided and the execution of the event is complete.
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