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Panel Size

The size of the region where a panel is defined has no effect on the size of the region of the screen where the panel eventually displays during execution. A panel that exceeds the region size can be scrolled forward and backward, left and right.

A panel can be of fixed length with a specific number of lines; or be of variable length with the length of the panel dependent on the number of times a repeating group can display in the screen region.

A fixed‑length panel can be any number of lines in length. However, if a panel is longer than the region size at execution time, only as much of the panel as fits the region displays. Therefore, if a panel is defined that is known to be larger than the target region size, set the option for PF781011 (PF7/19, PF8/20, PF10/22, and PF11/23) to Y or Z for scrolling the target panel at execution time. See the section titled Changing Panel Parameters in this chapter for more information.

A variable panel is one whose size expands to fill the region of the screen at execution time. The number of occurrences of the variably‑occurring group of fields depends on the size of the target region.

Wide Panel Considerations

The following considerations assist in the layout and testing of panels that exceed the width of the terminal presentation area.


The following example illustrates entering new fields using the plus sign (+) as the new‑field symbol and the semicolon (;) as the end‑field symbol (fields in the first line end implicitly at the beginning of the next field). In this example, the screen is null‑filled. You must type a blank to retain a line that does not have a defined field. Blanks are also typed between fields to provide spacing.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDEAL: PANEL LAYOUT NULL PNL ADRMPNL1 (001) TEST SYS: DOC FILL‑IN Start ¬ End ; New + Rep @ Del * Move > Copy ¢ Dest ! Width 80 ........1........2........3........4........5........6........7........ ================================== T O P ==================================== ORDER#______CUSTOMER #____ORDER DATE________; EMPLOYEE NAME____________________________________; ADDRESS__________________________________________; QTY; ITEM NO; ITEM DESC; PRICE; AMOUNT; ___; _______; _____________; _______; _______; =============================== B O T T O M =================================

The panel layout data is transmitted when you press the Enter key, when you press any PF key (except PF keys assigned for HELP or CLARIFY), or when a scroll, if specified, is performed.

After the data is transmitted:

=> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDEAL: PANEL LAYOUT NULL PNL ADRMPNL1 (001) TEST SYS: DOC FILL‑IN Start ¬ End ; New + Rep @ Del * Move > Copy ¢ Dest ! Width 80 .........1.........2.........3.........4.........5........6.........7......... ================================== T O P ==================================== ¬ORDER#¬______¬CUSTOMER #¬____¬ORDER DATE¬________; ¬EMPLOYEE NAME¬____________________________________; ¬ADDRESS¬__________________________________________; ¬QTY; ¬ITEM NO; ¬ITEM DESC; ¬PRICE; AMOUNT; ¬___; ¬_______; ¬_____________; ¬_______; ¬_______; =============================== B O T T O M =================================