Panel definitions are created using a 4-step process. A different fill-in screen is used for each step. The order of the steps is as follows:
You can perform step 3 for all fields before performing step 4, or you can perform steps 3 and 4 for the first field, and then for the second field, and so on.
During the process of creating the panel definition, you might need to modify default parameters, fields, or field attributes that were already defined. You modify parameters and field attributes the same way that you create them. This process is described in the sections titled Changing Panel Parameters and Defining and Changing Field Attributes in this chapter. Placing and moving the fields on the panel is described in the sections titled Designing the Panel Layout and Changing the Panel Layout in this chapter.
At any time during the creation process, you can stop working on the panel definition to either perform another CA Ideal function or leave CA Ideal altogether. Your panel definition is automatically saved with all the information that you entered up to that point.
To return to the panel definition and continue editing, simply enter the command EDIT PANEL panelname or select the EDIT/DISPLAY option from the Panel Maintenance menu. When the panel displays, you can add, modify, or delete fields in the same way as you did when you initially created the panel definition.
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